Personal Growth

Quieting the noise…

The thing about figuring out the external problems that impact our lives is the scale is too big. Most people simply do not have the time or energy, beyond taking care of themselves and their families, to connect the dots. This is why the discussion invariably becomes white noise, because the problems appear intractable. The solution is to show how the choices each of us make contribute to the problems afflicting our lives.

We are all aware of the choices we make and possess the ability to make different choices if we see the benefit. So how do each of us contribute to our own undoing? By making choices daily, framed by our values, which isolate us from the global community that provides for our well-being.

Starting with a basic acknowledgement of how we survive each day. Every person can look at their lives and see independence, freedom, self-interest, nationalism, and sectarianism are all self-defeating lies. Yet these are the virtues that define us as Americans. These values define our idea of success. As we each work harder to chase “success”, we find little fulfillment in either the journey or the destination.

The good news is this is a problem each of us can solve.

Don’t fear, blame, hate, or hurt the hands that feeds you.

Appreciating and honoring the hands that feed us, allow us to be fulfilled by the sustenance.

By AZStranger

Son, father, brother, husband and human.
Life learner...