
Who is Donald Trump?

Donald Trump is a brand looking for a product.

In 2016, Trump 1.0 affixed his brand on Steve Bannon’s product and won.

In 2020, Trump 2.0 brand was affixed to a hybrid, anti-neocon product and lost.

In 2024, Trump 3.0 has affixed his brand to the Unity Platform crystallized as MAHA (Make America Healthy Again).

The great realignment is now in plain view: Neocons (Bush, Dick & Lynn Cheney) have merged with Neoliberals (Clinton, Obama, Biden/Harris) as the Establishment Democratic Party, and the anti-establishment movement has consolidated under Trump 3.0 (MAGA + MAHA).

RFK Jr. was the most significant independent candidate for President in 2024 because he leveraged his support across the political center to develop Trump’s new policy agenda:

1. End the chronic disease epidemic in America by dismantling corporate capture by Big Ag and Big Pharma over federal food and drug regulatory agencies,

2. End the Forever Wars and redirect resources from the bloated military budget to reinvest in the American Middle Class and U.S. infrastructure, and

3. End the government propaganda and censorship regime.

4. Close the southern U.S. border and enact an immigration policy that serves America.

This is a huge change. If Trump wins, he will not be beholden to the establishment because he will never run for office again.

Economics Politics

An Open Response to Marianne Williamson

Here is my response to a post by Marianne Williamson regarding the lack of civility in our public discourse:


I resonate deeply with your thoughtful post. The toxicity of our public discourse has been trending poorly for decades. I remember writing Bill Clinton a ten page letter for his inauguration in January 1993 where the gist of the letter was an appeal to restore constructive critique to our public discourse so that differences in opinion were not assumed to be differences in core values.

And yet look how things have turned out. Bill transformed the Democratic Party into the party of American Empire serving extreme wealth at the expense of everyone else. Today, we are experiencing the revealing of a realignment twenty years in the making…neocons and neoliberals representing the establishment, and the anti-establishment contained in the unity platform under Trump 3.0 (RFK Jr and Tulsi Gabbard) and 3rd party candidates Drs. Jill Stein and Cornell West.

The establishment has given us an ever increasingly calamitous series of events:

9/11 (blowback for US foreign policy in the Middle East),

Wars in Iraq & Afghanistan,

Great Recession (caused by Clinton’s deregulation of Wall Street),

Great Bailout of Wall Street (led by Obama who paid 100% AIG counterparty claims to Wall Street fraudsters while millions of victimized Americans lost their jobs, homes, savings, pensions),

Great ‘get out of Jail’ (Eric Holder failing to use RICO laws to prosecute Wall Street for intentionally mis-rating MBS that crashed the global economy),

COVID-19 (where the weight of evidence indicates was caused by Gain of Function research financed by the National Institutes of Health led by Dr. Fauci),

CARES Act (which provided temporary relief for individuals and small businesses while authorizing the Federal Reserve to invest $4T in large publicly traded corporations = 2020 GDP -3.5% vs. S&P +16% & NASDAQ comp +43.6%),

Fed Reserve Investment led to Housing Asset bubble from 2021-23 (raised average home value 40% since 1/2021), Inflation spike (peaked at 9.1% 4/2022), 30-year mortgage tripled (2.5% 2/2021 to peak 8% 9/2023 to now 6.5%) leading to worse housing affordability crisis outside of a depression,

NATO provoked War in Ukraine (caused by NATO expansion to include all former Warsaw Pact nations and 3 provinces of the former USSR),

US enabled genocide by Israel in Gaza (There is no self defense justification under the Genocide Convention ratified by the U.S., Israel and over 140 nations),

Sham 2024 Democratic Primary season (after DNC manipulated Primaries in 2016 and 2020), political coup of President Biden (threatening 25th amendment removal), DNC selection of Kamala Harris (1st major party nominee since 1952 who failed to receive one vote in primary season),

Trump assassination attempt (lone wolf given clear shot from 130 yards???),

Refusal of Secret Service protection for RFK Jr until Trump assassination, placing Tulsi Gabbard on Terrorist travel list, relentless political based lawfare against a former President for the first time in U.S. history (intervened by the U.S. Supreme Court applying same limited immunity enjoyed by governors, mayors, state officials and law enforcement to the President),

And finally the campaign of Kamala Harris completely orchestrated by Democratic establishment media (50 days: one joint interview with CNN, one debate with ABC, one local interview in Philadelphia).

Who is running the country right now? Who is deciding whether U.S. weapons can be used by Ukraine to launch attacks in Russia (effectively converting the War in Ukraine to a NATO war with Russia)?

Can we finally speak truth to power?

How can you stand with the Cheney supported Democratic Party?


Will We Perish Together as Fools?

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.”

As we enter the general election portion of the 2024 Presidential Election in America, the competing narratives suggest we have a choice between an existential threat to democracy or a Manchurian candidate whose economic plan reveals they are a closet communist. Yet on the way to an election whose outcome may lead to a second civil war, an unanticipated glimmer of hope has emerged.

Former President Donald Trump and Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. have agreed to unite in support of a unity platform:

  • End the chronic health epidemic in America
  • End the forever wars
  • Close the U.S. Border and establish an immigration policy that serves America
  • Reinvest in American Infrastructure and rebuilding the American Middle Class
  • End Corporate capture of Federal Regulatory Agencies
  • End the Federal Government propaganda and censorship regime

As part of the unity agreement, RFK Jr. will remove his name from the ballot in the 10 swing states to make sure he will not be a spoiler in the general election outcome.

Former President Trump and RFK Jr. consummated the unity agreement in a joint Presidential campaign event at the Glendale Arena in Glendale, Arizona. Tens of thousands of MAGA supporters gave RFK Jr. thunderous applause as former President Trump introduced him. For the next five minutes, RFK Jr. explained one of his lead advisors on chronic health had informed him that he also advises President Trump and strongly recommended the two meet to discuss the issue. RFK Jr. held two extensive meetings with President Trump and realized they shared strong agreement on some very important issues to both men. RFK Jr. further explained he tried to meet with Kamala Harris to discuss whether they shared common cause on any of the issues he found important. The Harris campaign refused to meet with him. In the end, RFK Jr. explained he chose to partner with President Trump because he was convinced the President was sincere in his support of the unity platform and he fully committed to implement it if he is elected for a second term. RFK Jr. then outlined the unity platform to the thunderous applause from a Republican Presidential campaign audience.  

Let that sink in.

MAGA nation, which represents a super majority of the Republican electorate, chanted “Bobby, Bobby, Bobby” as RFK Jr. advocated for ending the forever wars, ending corporate capture of federal regulatory agencies in order to reverse the chronic health epidemic in America, and reinvesting the funds from ending the forever wars in American infrastructure and rebuilding the middle class. This is an extraordinary, yet well-received, recalibration of Trump’s free market, pro-business political ideology.

Is the Unity agreement real? Can Trump be trusted to follow-through on his promise?

Candidly, I don’t know. Yet, I do not have to know because the democrats gave RFK Jr. no choice. They refused to talk to him about the chronic health epidemic ravaging the children of America.

RFK Jr. stated, “President Trump told me restoring the health of our children would be his legacy.” Only time will tell.

One thing that gives me hope is RFK jr. and President Trump share a well-earned contempt for the Democratic Party led by President Biden and Vice President Harris. The hubris of the Biden/Harris administration has successfully united their chosen adversaries both internationally (Russia, China and Iran) and domestically.

Economics Politics Social Evolution

Chernobyl Lives!

On April 25th and 26th 1986, the Number 4 reactor of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant exploded causing the death of 30 plant workers and emergency responders, and ultimately the evacuation of over 300,000 people. The radiation poison killed nearly all life within a 30-kilometer radius of the power plant. According to National Geographic, it may take thousands of years for the area to become safe for humans due to the pace of the radiation decay. Yet despite the presence of dangerous radiation in the exclusion zone, nature has abundantly recovered. In David Attenborough’s documentary, “A Life on Our Planet”, digital cameras vividly captured a wide range of wildlife including deer, wolves, horses, and an assortment of birds. A dense vibrant forest has consumed the abandoned buildings of Chernobyl. Our experience with the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant disaster proves the resiliency of nature is boundless.

As we consider the myriad of existential challenges facing modern civilization, we can draw inspiration from how living species were able to adapt and replenish in less than 40 years of the nuclear reactor disaster. As President Kennedy once said, “Our problems are manmade. Therefore, they can be solved by man.” While our problems are many, including severe wealth and income inequality, geopolitical conflicts threatening nuclear annihilation, and unregulated artificial intelligence, in my view our existential challenges are two-fold:

  1. Resource extraction well beyond our planetary boundaries
  2. Increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the use of fossil fuels are destabilizing the ecology that sustains current life on Earth

The goods and services we use in our modern economy require the extraction of natural resources. As our economy grows, our extraction of natural resources increases to produce the additional goods and services we consume. The capacity of the Earth to produce natural resources is a function of geologic processes that often take millions of years to complete. Since the industrialized economy is less than 200 years old, modern civilization has benefitted greatly from an abundance of untapped natural resources. Yet as our demand for more and more resources have exceeded the annual capacity of the planet to replenish, we have begun to dramatically draw down on the available natural resources. Global scientists have measured our excess extraction of natural resources by developing a new metric: Earth Overshoot Day1, which “marks the date when humanity’s demand for ecological resources and services in a given year exceeds what Earth can regenerate in that year.” The 2023 Earth Overshoot Day was August 2nd, 2023, which means for 2023 humanity consumed 1.7x the Earth’s annual regenerative capacity. The 2024 U.S. Overshoot Day is March 14th, 2024, which means we need 4.9 Earths if all countries consumed as much natural resources as America.  

In order for humanity to live within our planetary resource boundaries, all over-consuming nations must significantly decrease the extraction of natural resources until their national overshoot day is December 31st. Dramatically reducing the consumption of natural resources necessarily involves a material decrease in Gross Domestic Product (GDP). In order to achieve this goal, we will need a new system of economics because capitalism requires persistent economic growth to produce economic prosperity. Ecological Economist, Tim Jackson, has written extensively about this topic in his two best selling books:

  • Prosperity without Growth: Foundations for the Economics of Tomorrow
  • Post Growth: Life After Capitalism

Degrowth is an academic and social movement critical of the hegemony of economic growth perpetuated by capitalism, and calls for an equitable and democratically-led downscaling of production and consumption in industrialized countries as a means to achieve environmental sustainability, social justice and well-being.2

Degrowth is a transitional process of moving over-consumption nations from the current state to a future state of sustainable natural resource management. Ideally, this transitional period accommodates the need for developing and under-developed nations to increase demand for natural resources in order to modernize their countries. Once all countries are modernized and the global extraction of natural resources are within the annual regenerative natural resource capacity of the Earth, a new economics that accommodates consistent Pareto Optimal conditions will need to be innovated. Pareto optimal is a condition where there are no more improvements that can make any person better off without making some other person worse off.3

The second existential challenge facing humanity is human-induced climate change. The most comprehensive scientific consensus on all issues regarding climate change is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which is comprised of the leading scientists from 195 member nations. The IPCC was established by the United Nations in 1988, and releases an exhaustive assessment every seven years based on the latest global research on three primary topics:

  1. The science basis of human induced climate change4
  2. Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability5 (of climate change)
  3. Mitigation of Climate Change6

Each of the major reports of the periodic assessment represents a meta-analysis of the latest global research and typically includes approximately 2,000 pages each. The IPCC summarizes the most important determinations, with level of confidence, in the Synthesis Report – Summary for Policymakers, which upon final release reflect the unanimous concurrence of all 195 member nations. The IPCC released the 6th Assessment reports in 2021 and 2022, and the Synthesis Report7 in 2023.

The following climate change narrative is based on the determinations of the IPCC’s 6th Assessment reports:

Like all planetary phenomena, the climate change story starts long ago…during the last Ice Age. One core characteristic of the Ice Age is highly erratic changes in global average surface temperature, which produced catastrophically disruptive extreme weather events. The Ice Age ended 15,000 years ago as global average surface temperatures began moderating. It took another 5,000 years for the global average surface temperature to stabilize. For the next 10,000 years, global average surface temperature remained stable at approximately 56.9 degrees Fahrenheit plus or minus 1.8 degrees (or about 13.8 degrees Celsius plus or minus 1 degree Celsius), which produced predictable global weather patterns. Predictable weather allowed primitive hunter-gatherer communities to use pattern recognition to innovate farming, which produced excess food. Excess food supported increased population growth and provided the surplus used for trade. Trade formed the basis for commerce, development of currency, and the formation of modern civilization. Beginning in the 1800’s with the successful development of the internal combustion engine, fossil fuels became the primary energy source for the new, industrialized global economy.

Fossil fuels, which include coal, natural gas, and oil, emit carbon dioxide (or methane) when burned to create energy. Carbon dioxide and methane are greenhouse gases (GHG) which accumulate in the atmosphere when emitted. GHG in the atmosphere absorb sunlight reflected from the surface of the Earth, holding it in the atmosphere and warming the planet like insulation in a home. Since 1850, approximately 2,400 gigatons of carbon dioxide have accumulated in the atmosphere, which is the most carbon in the atmosphere in over 800,000 years. By 2020, the global average surface temperature had reached 58.8 degrees Fahrenheit (or 14.9 degrees Celsius), which reflects an increase in global average surface temperature since 1850 of 1.9 degrees Fahrenheit (or 1.07 degrees Celsius).

For the first time in 10,000 years, the global average surface temperature exceeded the stable temperature range of 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit (or 1 degree Celsius).

And to what effect?

Predictable weather patterns started becoming erratic. Since the 1980’s, extreme weather events (defined as events exceeding a billion dollars in damage) have tripled.

In America, attribution science shows temperature rise contributed to the intensity of extreme weather events including Hurricanes Andrew, Katrina, Sandy and Ian, and to the proliferation of wildfires and availability of fresh water in the western states. Biodiversity is collapsing globally as the species extinction rate since 1900 is 1,000 times the historical background rate. Since 1970, 75% of global animal species have gone extinct. Sea level rise is threatening coastal communities as the melting of the Greenland Ice Cap is fast approaching an irreversible tipping point.

The most troubling trend is global average surface temperature is increasing at an increasing rate for two reasons:

1. Global energy use is increasing annual GHG emissions

2. Positive feedback loops such as the melting of the Greenland Ice Cap and carbon saturation of the oceans is accelerating the warming.

It took 170 years (1850 to 2020) to increase global average surface temperature 1.9 degrees Fahrenheit (or 1.07 degrees Celsius), but all future pathways developed by global scientific models indicate it will take less than 20 years to increase global average surface temperature another 0.7 degrees Fahrenheit (37%; or 0.43 degrees Celsius).

Yet there is good news. According to the latest IPCC Climate Mitigation Report, the global transition to a net zero carbon economy while avoiding the worse, irreversible climate related impacts is possible based on current technology. The challenge is harnessing global collaboration to front-load the reduction of GHG emissions by 43% by 2030. With the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act and the Infrastructure Law, the United States is investing in a pathway that could reduce economy-wide GHG emissions by 40% by 2030. Much more needs to be done in the area of regulation and the development of international treaties to codify the necessary global collaboration.

Climate change is a global phenomenon that can only be mitigated with the active cooperation of all major stakeholders. This is not a time for winners and losers because the losers have the power and ability to push the global average surface temperature well above 2⁰C. In order to keep global warming from increasing past 1.5⁰C, 33% of known oil reserves, 50% of known natural gas reserves, and 80% of known coal reserves must remain in the ground unused. As the failed global trade ban on Russian oil and natural gas after their attack on Ukraine demonstrates, fossil fuel asset owners will always be able to find a willing buyer. Therefore, to meet the challenge presented by climate change, we must obtain the active cooperation of the global fossil fuel industry. One idea that has been used successfully in the electric utility industry, is to offer stranded asset compensation that allows the fossil fuel industry to transition to renewable energy. By tying current industry subsidies to ending fossil fuel exploration and shifting future investment to renewable energy production and innovation, we will be able to encourage industry cooperation.

According to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the global transition to a net-zero carbon economy by 2050 is estimated to cost approximately $131 Trillion dollars. Given the concentration of global wealth in developed nations such as the United States, United Kingdom and European Union nations, the global north will necessarily be required to cover most of the cost of the transition. The intense demand of the global south to cover the growing climate related impacts dominated the latest Conference of Parties (COP) where COP 28 President, Dr. Sultan Al Jaber, announced a historic agreement to operationalize the Loss and Damage Fund. The Loss and Damage Fund will assist developing countries that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change. While the Loss and Damage Fund will help offset the cost of adaptation, mitigation costs tied to leapfrogging the use of fossil fuels to meet the energy needs of developing nations with renewable energy will require a substantial portion of the overall transition costs. The magnitude of the climate related transfer payments will likely break nation-centric budgetary priorities. Further, the absolute need to set aside less important disputes in lieu of the required global cooperation will create the possibility of dramatically reallocating resources from global military budgets to newly formed climate mitigation and adaptation funds.

There are many areas of innovation that will be necessary to successfully complete the global transition to renewable energy in thirty years. Yet the success of the transition will require global distribution of the latest innovations regardless of the capacity to pay. The urgency of the escalating climate-related impacts will therefore break the current business as usual model because unlimited profit seeking, which necessarily creates scarcity, will not be permissible.

The pattern these factors establish is to meet the existential challenges of climate change and natural resource overshoot, humanity must set aside profit seeking and the competition between winners and losers, wealth and poverty, national, regional and cultural distinctions, in order to collaborate for the good of all of us.

Our choice will be increasingly clear: Unite or risk mass extinction.  


2“Degrowth: Vocabulary for a New Era” by Giorgos Kallis, Federico Demaria, and Giacomo D’Alisa

3Per Wikipedia



6See IPCC_AR6_WGIII_FullReport.pdf



The Mirror Never Lies…

When I look into the mirror, I see more than the physical man steering back at me.

I see my emotional health expressed in the posture of my stance and the glow in my eyes.

I notice the resonance of my soul based on the ease by which I can accept and respect the man before me.

When I am out of sorts, I feel uncomfortable when looking at the reflection I see.

And on those rare occasions where I have acted shamefully, I can’t bear to look in my own eyes.

On November 5th, 2024, I face one of the most important decisions of my adult life. On that day I will vote for my choice of President of the United States. I have voted in every Presidential Election since 1984 when Republican President Reagan was running against Democrat, Walter Mondale. It has become commonplace for candidates to insist the current election is the most important in U.S. history. And maybe there is some truth in the assertion given the trend line of national and international events over the last few decades. Nonetheless, by any objective standard, this Presidential Election is by far the most important election in U.S. History.

When a Presidential election includes an incumbent, it invariably becomes a referendum of the governing performance of the President. In order to re-elect a President, the electorate necessarily affirms and assumes responsibility for the decisions the President has made. This is the basis of government of the People, by the people, and for the People.

As I consider the governing performance of President Joe Biden, I see the death of government for the People. When we elected President Joe Biden in 2020, he presented himself as the Adult in the Room who would restore steady leadership in the White House. Yes, he made many promises that he barely tried to keep, but this has become normal for Presidents over the last four decades. What distinguished President Biden is his willingness to gaslight the American People on the two conflicts that very well may lead to irreparable damage to the American economy and ultimately to WWIII.

According to the Biden Administration, Russia’s attack on Ukraine was an unprovoked act of naked aggression. On this basis, the Biden Administration in collaboration with global allies imposed the worse economic sanctions in global history on Russia including seizing hundreds of billions of dollars of Russian U.S. dollar reserves. This narrative professed by the U.S. government and parroted by the establishment media could not be further from the truth and the rest of the world knows it.

The issues leading up to the War in Ukraine involve a mirrored reversal of the issues leading up to the Cuban missile crisis. In the Cuban Missile crisis, the United States brought the world to the edge of a nuclear war because the Soviet Union placed intercontinental ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads in Cuba. In the War in Ukraine, the United States announced as early as 2008, during the George W. Bush administration, the intent to expand NATO across eastern Europe to include Ukraine, which shares a 2,000 kilometer border with Russia. Vladimir Putin made it clear at the time that the expansion of NATO to the Russian border, which includes the deployment of intercontinental ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads, would pose an existential threat that Russia would never allow. So clear was Putin’s message that President Obama openly acknowledged America was at a strategic disadvantage in the goal to expand NATO to include Ukraine because America was unwilling to sacrifice what Russia would sacrifice to prevent it. Nonetheless, the Obama Administration authorized the financing of the violent overthrow of a democratically elected, pro-Russian government in Ukraine in 2014, and the installation of a fiercely anti-Russian government intent on joining NATO.    

America’s involvement in the overthrow was proven when the Russian’s were able to produce a audio recording of Assistant National Security Advisor Victoria Nuland revealing to the U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine the new Ukrainian leadership to be installed before the coup had occurred. Once installed, the new Ukrainian government began ethnically cleansing Russian Ukrainians living in the southeastern region (including Donbass), killing up to 15,000 people. Russia intervened by launching an attack in 2014 that secured the southeastern region and took control over Crimea, which included a vital naval base Russia had been leasing from the previous Ukrainian regime. Russia and Ukraine reached a negotiated peace agreement called the Minsk II agreement, which was guaranteed by Germany, France and Poland and approved by the United Nations Security council. Under the Minsk II agreement, the southeastern region would remain a part of Ukraine, though protected from the anti-Russian government in Ukraine. A referendum was held in Crimea where local residents voted to join Russia. Armed by the support of the United States, Ukraine chose not to abide by the Minsk II agreement. Germany and France refused the enforce the agreement they guaranteed, and no action was taken at the United Nations Security Council. The United States began building military bases in Ukraine and increased arms sales to Ukraine.

By the winter of 2021, Russia moved significant military assets to the Ukrainian border and announced their intent to attack Ukraine if the NATO build-up in Ukraine did not end. In December 2021, Vladimir Putin sent an official communique to the NATO leadership requesting to open negotiations on the expansion of NATO in Ukraine. The NATO leadership refused the Russian request stating NATO expansion was not the business of Russia. This concludes the multi-year provocation of Russia that led to their attack in Ukraine. If NATO expansion to the Russian border, which includes the installation of nuclear missiles, is not the business of Russia, on what basis did the United States bring the world to the edge of nuclear war during the Cuban Missile crisis? Yet our government still relentlessly insists the Russian attack on Ukraine was unprovoked.

In the War in Gaza, Israel has launched a comprehensive siege and military attack on the entire population of Palestinians in Gaza in response to the Hamas’ terrorist attack on October 7th, 2023. The issue in dispute is not Israel’s right to defend itself. The issue concerns Israel’s duty under the Geneva Convention and the Genocide Convention to limit civilian casualties in their response to the Hamas attack. In the eight months since October 7th, 2023, Israel, which has control of the border in Gaza, has ordered a complete siege effectively denying the Palestinians food, water, medical supplies, and other essential good and services needed to support the 2.3 million people living in Gaza. Israel has also launched the most devastating bombardment and ground attack on a civilian population in modern history.

The death toll as of June 23, 2024:

  • 37,626 Palestinians including over 15,000 children and over 10,000 women
  • By comparison, 7,792 children and 3,219 women were killed in the last ten years of the U.S. War in Afghanistan
  • 108 journalists have been killed in Gaza since 10/7/2023 versus 29 killed in 20 years of the U.S. Afghanistan War or 69 journalists killed during WWII.
  • 250 aid workers have been killed in Gaza versus 115 aid workers killed in the 19 years of the Vietnam War.
  • 500 medical staff have been killed in Gaza versus 645 in the 19 years of the Vietnam War

This ongoing death toll is in response to Hamas’s attack on October 7th, 2023 that killed 1,139 Israelis and took 251 hostages

In December 2023, South Africa brought a claim of Genocide in Gaza against the Israeli government to the International Court of Justice (ICJ). In response to South Africa’s case filed with the ICJ, U.S. National Security spokesperson, John Kirby, stated “the claim of genocide against Israel is baseless and without merit.” The ICJ who has exclusive jurisdiction under the Genocide Convention to decide questions of genocide determined by a vote of 15-2 that Israel was plausibly committing genocide in Gaza. Further, the ICJ found the danger of irreparable harm to the Palestinians were likely if they did not immediately intervene. The ICJ by a vote of 15-2 ordered Israel to stop harming Palestinians in Gaza as prescribed by the Genocide Convention. By a vote of 16-1, including the Israeli judge, the ICJ ordered Israel to stop publicly inciting genocide, to punish anyone publicly inciting genocide, and to stop blocking humanitarian aid from reaching the Palestinians in Gaza. The ICJ’s rulings expose the official narrative of the U.S. government and the establishment media as boldface lies.

Given these two catastrophic lies perpetrated on the World by the Biden Administration, America has totally lost credibility and is quickly joining Israel as a pariah state. The international community is responding by reducing the U.S. dollar reserves held by countries around the world. The global reserve percentage of U.S. dollars has dropped from 66% in 2003 to 47% in 2022, including an 8% drop since the War in Ukraine began. To date, the American people has expressed their opposition to the Biden administration’s unwavering support of the Israeli onslaught in Gaza, with 67% supporting a permanent ceasefire now. College students across the country have established protest encampments in support of a permanent ceasefire now and the establishment of a Palestinian state.

The critical test the world awaits is whether the American electorate will endorse President Biden’s hypocritical war in Ukraine and his unwavering complicity in Israel’s genocide in Gaza. This election offers each of us the opportunity to reject the blatantly manipulative narratives rationalizing President Biden’s catastrophic foreign policy. If we fail this test, the American people will earn the same pariah status of our much maligned federal government.

On November 6th, 2024, I intend to look directly in my mirror and observe a grateful man staring back at me. What do you intend to see when you look into your mirror?

Either way, the mirror never lies.


Manifest Failure

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal”1

An aspiration unrecognized in any other country in Western Civilization in the 1700’s.

A hope that declared to the world the dawning of a new organizing principle.

What the hell went wrong?

Looking back, I observe an American history rife with critical inflection points that lead us to the crossroads we face today.

America transitioned from the Articles of Confederation to the U.S. Constitution by reaching a compromise between the states where underpopulated southern states were allowed to count slaves as three-fifths persons for Electoral College purposes. This compromise preserved slavery in the South until the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863.

The United States is the culmination of Europe’s settler colonial project in America, where thousand of indigenous Native Americans where slaughtered and pushed off their land. The systematic displacement of Native Americans hit a major roadblock in the 1832 Supreme Court case, Worcester v. Georgia, where the court identified the relationship between the Indian Nations and the United States is that of nations, consistent with the principles of the law of nations. This recognition reserved to the federal government the constitutional responsibility to negotiate treaties that effected the rights of Indian Nations. Inspired by the discovery of gold on Cherokee land in Dahlonega, Georgia, the U.S. government signed the Treaty of New Echota with a minority faction of the Cherokee Nation that authorized the removal of the Five Indian Nations to western territories in modern day Oklahoma. The forced displacement of up to 60,000 Native Americans is known as the Trail of Tears because approximately 16,000 people died on the journey. It is critical to acknowledge the leadership of the effected Indian Nations did not approve the Treaty of Echota, nor was the Treaty supported by the majority of the Indian population.

The conflict between the Southern States and the Federal Government began in April 1861 when South Carolina militias attacked Fort Sumter forcing the surrender of the U.S. Army forces posted there. While there is much debate regarding the primary cause of the Civil War (Slavery, state rights, or the first election of an American President without any southern electors), President Abraham Lincoln used the conflict to resolve the legal rights of slaves. Empowered by super majorities of Republicans in the Congress, President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 and passed the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in January 1865. These provisions legally freed the slaves and constitutionally abolished slavery and involuntary servitude except as punishment for a crime. In an effort to unite the nation, President Lincoln asked Andrew Johnson, a Democrat from Tennessee, to run as his Vice President in 1864. Andrew Johnson succeeded President Lincoln when he was assassinated in April 1865. Andrew Johnson has gone down in history as one of the worse U.S. Presidents for his tireless effort to scuttle President Lincoln’s vision for integrating freed slaves in the Reconstructed South. President Johnson supported a quick reinstatement of the southern states with no protections for the freed slaves. While the Congress was able to pass the 14th and 15th amendments to the Constitution over Presidential vetoes, freed slaves were left unprotected from the Black Codes instituted throughout the southern states. Segregation and other ‘Jim Crow’ laws were widely used until they were overruled by the Supreme Court in Brown v. Board of Education, or repealed via the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

The 19th century introduced the first of the great world wars in 1914 when the assassination of ArchDuke Ferdinand led to a series of declarations of war that pitted the Central Powers [Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire] against the Allied Powers [Great Brittain, France, Russia, Italy, Japan, and the United States joined in 1917]. The war ended fairly quickly after the entry of U.S. forces with an armistice signed in December 1918. Given America’s impact on the outcome of the war, President Woodrow Wilson had a significant impact on the final peace treaty when he issued his famous Fourteen Points. The Treaty of Versailles required Germany to disarm, relinquish captured territory, recognize newly independent states such as Poland, pay reparations to Allied nations, amongst other requirements. The Treaty also established the League of Nations, which was intended to be an international alliance of nations organized for the purpose of maintaining peace. The League of Nations never materialized to the intended organization because the United States failed to ratify the Treaty. The severity of the required reparations paid by Germany to the Allied nations destroyed the German economy and led to the radicalization of the German population under the National Socialist Party (Nazis).  

The seeds sown by the ruinous Treaty of Versailles led to World War II between the Axis forces [Germany, Japan, Italy] and the Allied nations [Great Brittain, France, United States, Soviet Union and China]. By the time the Unites States joined in December 1942, France had been defeated. While the Soviet Red Army faced the brunt of Nazi ground forces on the Eastern European front, U.S. and British forces fought the Nazis and Italian forces on the Western front and across northern Africa. U.S. forces also engaged Japan in a naval war in the Pacific ocean and joined with Chinese forces in various land and amphibious battles in far east Asia. Emboldened by the success against Russian forces in WWI, Adolf Hitler underestimated the magnitude of the sacrifice the Soviet Red Army was willing to incur without surrendering. By the end of the War in Europe, the Soviet Union had suffered the deaths of over 20 million people at the hands of the Nazi military. Yet by Victory in Europe Day on May 8th 1945, the Red Army freed survivors of Nazi concentration camps throughout Eastern Europe, as U.S. and British forces freed survivors and prisoners of war throughout Southern and Western Europe. A great victory in Europe was forever tarnished by the resolution of the War in the Pacific.

At the Yalta Conference in February 1945, President Franklin D. Roosevelt requested the Soviet Red Army to join the War in the Pacific once the War in Europe was resolved. Soviet leader, Joseph Stalin, agreed to send the Red Army to fight in the Pacific three months after the end of the War in Europe. FDR died on April 12th, 1945 and was succeeded by newly elected Vice President Harry Truman. Very much like Andrew Johnson eighty years earlier, President Truman opposed FDR’s vision for the resolution of the War against Japan. Instead of waiting for the Red Army set to arrive by the end of August 1945 as FDR had requested, President Truman ordered the dropping of two atomic bombs on civilian targets in Japan on August 6th and 9th just as the Soviet Union had declared war against Japan.

There is much speculation regarding the motivation of dropping two atomic bombs on Japan. Given the secret nature of America’s Manhattan Project, which developed the atomic bombs, I lean in the direction of President Truman wanting to send a message to Stalin regarding America’s new weapon: the Soviet Union is next. Further proof of my interpretation is the expectation by historians of an imminent Japanese surrender once the Red Army joined the War in the Pacific because the Soviet Union had demonstrated their historic willingness to sacrifice ground forces for victory in Europe. America compounded the animus toward the Soviet Union by including West Germany in the Marshall Plan in 1948, where the United States invested 15 billion dollars to rebuild Western Europe. In the 1950’s, America also purged U.S. citizens who had any pre-war association with the Communist Party, including Robert Oppenheimer, Director of the Los Alamos Laboratory where the atom bomb was designed. Imagine for a moment the magnitude of betrayal America would feel if we sacrificed 20 million Americans in a World War, and before the end of the war our ally threatened us with their deadliest weapon?

Quoting President Kennedy in his famous Speech on Peace given June 10th, 1963:

“No nation in the history of battle ever suffered more than the Soviet Union in the Second World War. At least 20 million lost their lives. Countless millions of homes and families were burned or sacked. A third of the nation’s territory, including nearly two-thirds of its industrial base, was turned into a wasteland, a loss equivalent to the destruction of this country east of Chicago.”

Yet as soon as WWII ended, we made them our enemy. We now know who started the Cold War.

The world has been on the brink of a nuclear war more than once in recorded history. The most famous time was the Cuban Missile crisis in October 1962. At the height of the Cold War, U.S. reconnaissance flights over Cuba discovered the presence of intercontinental ballistic missiles being deployed on Cuban launch sites. These missiles had the capability to carry nuclear warheads and had the delivery range to hit most of the continental United States. When the United States confronted the Soviet Union at the United Nations, the Soviet Ambassador denied the presence of the missiles. The incident escalated to a full blown international crisis when the United States was able to obtain the unanimous consent of the Organization of American States to execute a naval blockade of Cuba preventing any further supplies from the Soviet Union. Various near skirmishes between U.S. and Soviet naval ships and reconnaissance aircraft occurred as America attempted to enforce the blockade while the Soviet Union insisted the blockade was illegal. The conflict was resolved by two agreements between President Kennedy and Chairman Khrushchev:

Official Agreement – The United States promises to never attack Cuba in exchange for the Soviet Union removing nuclear missiles from Cuba.

Secret Agreement – President Kennedy gave Chairman Khrushchev a ‘Private Assurance’ that the United States would secretly remove six months later the medium range nuclear missiles America had installed in Turkey in 1961. These missiles had a delivery range that included Moscow. If the secret agreement was discovered the deal is off and the U.S. would deny making the agreement.

The Private Assurance was necessary because the President Kennedy wanted to save face for causing the Cuban Missile crisis by first installing nuclear missiles near the Soviet Union in Turkey. Premier Khrushchev agreed to accept the public humiliation of backing down over the objection of Cuba because he believed President Kennedy would honor the Private Assurance by removing the nuclear missiles from Turkey. Yet, there were no guarantees. President Kennedy did honor his Private Assurance.

9-11 is by far the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil in American history. Yet 23 years later, what do the American People know about why the attack occurred? In the aftermath of the destruction of the Twin Towers in New York City, our leaders told us “They hate us for our freedom.”  What they failed to tell us at the time was what our government knew about Osama Bin Laden. More information was made available on July 22, 2004 with the release of the 9/11 Commission Report, which stated in summary: “In February 1998, Osama Bin Laden issued a fatwa declaring it was God’s will that every Muslim should try his utmost to kill any American because of America’s occupation of Islam’s holy places and aggressions against Muslims.” What this summarized quote reveals is our government knew why as early as 1998 Osama Bin Laden was intent on killing many American civilians.

As it turns out, Osama Bin Laden published a Letter to America on November 24th, 2002, which explained in detail why he is attacking America and what he is asking of Americans. The reason why you are unlikely to have known this letter exists is because our government and their media lap dogs suppressed the letter, which languished on the digital archives of the Guardian newspaper website from the time it was published until it was removed in November 2023.

Why was it removed after 21 years?

Israel’s response to the Hamas’ attack on October 7th, 2023. Israeli leadership framed the response based on Hamas’ role as the political leadership of the Palestinians in Gaza. Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant stated “he has ordered a full siege on the Gaza Strip adding no power, no food, no gas will reach the Palestinian territory.” There are no innocent Palestinians in Gaza because Hamas was the Palestinian’s elected leadership. Osama Bin Laden made the same argument in his Letter to America:

“The American people are the ones who choose their government by way of their own free will; a choice which stems from their agreement with their policies. The American people are the ones who pay the taxes which fund the planes that bomb us in Afghanistan, the tanks that strike and destroy our homes in Palestine, the armies which occupy our lands in the Arabian Gulf, and the fleets which ensure the blockade in Iraq.”

After the Israeli leadership began announcing their planned response to the Hamas attack, Bin Laden’s Letter to America began going viral on TikTok. One TikTok poster with over 900,000 views stated, “everything we learned about the Middle East, 9/11, and terrorism was a lie.” The backlash from the government and media was so intense the Guardian was forced to remove the letter from the website. TikTok also banned thousands of TikTok posters including all of their related posts.

Why did Osama Bin Laden attack and kill nearly 3,000 Americans on 9-11?

The explanation starts with the Soviet-Afghanistan war in the early 1980’s. In response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, a Muslim militia called the Mujahideen was gathered from around the Muslim world to repel the Red Army. The leader of the Arab Mujahideen was Osama Bin Laden. The United States committed to arm and train the Mujahideen in the war against the Soviet Union. The success of this proxy war between the U.S. and the Soviet Union was chronicled in the Hollywood movie “Charlie Wilson’s War”. The Soviet Union’s failure to stabilize the pro-communist regime in Afghanistan is broadly viewed as a major contributing factor to the dissolution of the Soviet Union, which occurred within two years of the Red Army retreat from Afghanistan in 1989. Also in 1989, Osama Bin Laden formed al Quida to take on future holy wars on the global stage.

In August 1990, Saddam Hussein led Iraq to attack and defeat the country of Kuwait. Saddam’s motivation for attacking Kuwait is not widely confirmed, but Kuwait had lent Iraq $14B USD to conduct the war with Iran which led to some speculation the conflict was over debt forgiveness. Regardless of the cause, the presence of Iraq on the Arabian peninsula raised international concerns that Iraq may also attack Saudi Arabia. The international community led by the United States condemned Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait. When reports began indicating the United States was entering military defense talks with the Saudi Royal Family, Osama Bin Laden offered to gather the victorious Mujahideen to repel Iraq out of Kuwait. Instead, Saudi Arabia signed a defense agreement with the United States which granted the establishment of permanent military bases in Saudi Arabia in exchange for repelling Iraq out of Kuwait. In Osama’s eyes, this was sacrilege: Saudi Arabia is home to Islam’s two most sacred sites, Mecca and Medina, where the presence of non-Muslims is explicitly forbidden in the Koran. Fueled by this perceived sacrilege, al Quida led by Osama Bin Laden began engaging in terrorist attacks including destroying two U.S. Black Hawk helicopters in the Battle of Mogadishu in Somalia in 1993, as well as the World Trade Center Bombing in New York in 1993, and a car bombing in 1995 that destroyed a U.S.-leased military building in Saudi Arabia.

Over the course of the seven years since the first Gulf War, Osama Bin Laden observed the United States build the permanent military bases in Saudi Arabia, including installing the formerly NATO based M-1 Abrams tanks and M-2 Bradley Armored Personnel Carriers. In 1998, Bin Laden formerly issued a fatwa announcing a holy war against the United States and our allies (primarily Saudi Arabia). Immediately after, al Quida claimed responsibility for attacks on U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, and in 2000, for the suicide bombings against the U.S.S. Cole in Yemen, in which 17 American sailors were killed, and 39 injured.  

In January 2001, when President Clinton briefed the incoming President, George W. Bush, the number one national security threat was al Quida led by Osama Bin Laden. Yet our government failed to alert the American public why Bin Laden was a threat. On September 11th, 2001, al Quida terrorists caused four commercial aircrafts to crash killing 2,977 innocent civilians and 19 hijackers. The reason was not because they hate us for our freedom. The reason was the existence of permanent U.S. military bases in Saudi Arabia, home of Islam’s two holiest cities. Diplomatic professionals have a term for al Quida’s response: Blowback – is the unintended consequences and unwanted side-effects of a covert operation.2

Were permanent military bases in Saudi Arabia worth the price of nearly 3,000 lives? How many lives will be lost due to blowback from America’s funding, arming, and diplomatically enabling the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza today?

Since January 2020, America has faced the COVID-19 global pandemic starting in March 2020, the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, and Israel’s response to the Hamas terrorist attack on October 7th, 2023. In each case, the prevailing narrative curated by U.S. government and the America media was verifiably untrue.

The heavy weight of available evidence indicates COVID-19 did not originate in the unsanitary wet markets in Wuhan, China, but was derivative of Gain of Function research funded by the National Institutes of Health led by Dr. Anthony Fauci, and conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Guidance regarding the wearing of masks was intentionally deceptive in order to protect supplies of masks for medical personnel. Congressional testimony confirmed the distancing guidelines were not based on scientific evidence. Information regarding the effectiveness of the vaccines included outright lies about permanence (boosters were announced once effectiveness started wearing off), transference (vaccination was supposed to prevent transmission), and prevalence of side effects.

When Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24th, 2022, the unanimous chorus of U.S. government officials and establishment media ghouls was Russia had engaged in an unprovoked attack on Ukraine. Highly reputable professionals such as Economist Jeffrey Sachs and Professor John Mearsheimer have persistently laid out the verifiable facts that the United States had financed the violent overthrow of the democratically elected government of Ukraine in 2014 and installed an anti-Russian government intent on joining NATO. The newly installed government then proceeded to begin ethnically cleansing southeast Ukraine (particularly the Donbass region) killing up to 15,000 ethnically Russian Ukrainians. Russia intervened in 2014 to protect the Russian-Ukrainian people and in the process seized control over Crimea, a naval port city the Russians had been leasing from the Ukrainians.

In 2015, Russia and Ukraine signed the Minsk II agreements which were guaranteed by Germany, France, and Poland, and affirmed by the United Nations Security Council. Under the Minsk II agreements, the ethnically Russian regions of Ukraine would remain a part of Ukraine but have protected status from the new anti-Russian Ukrainian government. The Ukrainian government refused to abide by the agreement and the guarantors (Germany, France, and Poland) refused to enforce the agreement. The point of making the agreement was to delay further Russia action in Ukraine while the United States built military bases in Ukraine and began providing significant military assistance.

In the winter of 2021, Russia moved significant military assets to the Ukrainian border signaling their intent to invade Ukraine to prevent the country from joining NATO. In December 2021, Vladimir Putin sent a official communique to the NATO leadership proposing to negotiate regarding NATO expansion to the Russian border in Ukraine. NATO responded by refusing to negotiate and stating NATO expansion is not the business of Russia. It is important to note, during the discussions that led to the dismantling of the former Soviet Union in the early 1990’s, multiple members of the American leadership gave Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin a ‘private assurance’ if the Soviets supported the reunification of Germany as a part of NATO, NATO would not expand one inch east of Germany. This was a critical concession to preserve the security buffer for Russia against European aggressions dating back to the Napoleonic Wars, WWI, and WWII. This ‘private assurance’ was the same method used to resolve the Cuban Missile crisis at the height of the Cold War. The Russian leaders had a historical basis for trusting the use of a ‘private assurance’ by the American leadership. This is why in the two hour interview of Vladimir Putin by Tucker Carlson, Putin claimed “America tricked Russia in the 1990’s”. These are the events that led to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Yet within two months of the start of the war, Russia and Ukraine were very close to a peace agreement when the United States sent UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson to insist the Ukrainians walk away from the agreement, which they did. Now, over two years into the war, Ukraine has suffered the loss of up to 500,000 soldiers and are facing certain defeat unless NATO forces intervene directly. The United States and the United Kingdom have given Ukraine the authority to launch NATO provided missiles deep into Russian territory. Russia has delivered an official communique indicating the use of NATO missiles in Russian territory makes NATO a direct combatant in the war, fully subject to direct retaliation. WWIII is in the hands of a nearly defeated Ukrainian leadership.

On October 7th, 2023, Hamas militants broke through the walled Gaza encampment and slaughtered 1,139 people and took 251 hostages back into Gaza. In response, the Israeli government announced the total siege of Gaza stopping all food, water, electricity, gas, medical supplies, and other essential goods and services needed to sustain the 2.3 million people in Gaza. Israel then proceeded to engage in the worse onslaught of military force against a civilian population in modern history. The United States and our European allies have provided funding, military weapons & equipment, military logistical support, and diplomatic cover preventing the international community from taking action to limit the slaughter of Palestinian civilians. The official U.S. government and establishment media narrative is Israel was attacked on 10/7/2023, therefore has the right to defend itself. On the question of Genocide, National Security Council spokesperson, John Kirby, stated the claims of genocide in Gaza are “baseless and without merit.” Yet the question of genocide is governed by the Genocide Convention, which the United States and Israel have ratified. Under the Genocide Convention, any member state can bring a claim of genocide against any other member states if they follow the procedural requirements of the Genocide Convention.

On December 29, 2023, South Africa filed a claim of genocide against Israel in the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Under the Genocide Convention, the ICJ has exclusive jurisdiction to decide questions of genocide. Israel filed a defense claim and requested the ICJ to grant summary judgment rejecting South Africa’s case for lack of evidence. For this consideration, the ICJ was comprised of 17 judges, two more than normal to include a South African Judge and an Israeli Judge. The President of the Court was American Judge Joan Donoghue. On January 26th, 2024, the ICJ ruled by 15-2 that the evidence provided by South Africa was sufficient to establish that Israel was plausibly committing genocide in Gaza, which means the case was allowed to proceed to a full trial. The ICJ also determined emergency provisions were necessary in order to protect the Palestinian people from irreparable harm if they waited for the completion of the full trial. The court ordered Israel to stop harming the Palestinians in Gaza as prescribed by the Genocide Convention. Further, the ICJ ordered Israel by a vote of 16-1 (including the Israeli judge) to stop publicly inciting genocide, to punish anyone who is publicly inciting genocide, and to stop preventing the delivery of humanitarian aid to the Palestinians in Gaza. All signatory nations are legally bound to enforce the rulings of the ICJ. Since the ICJ issued the provisional orders, Israel has systematically reduced the amount of humanitarian aid being delivered in Gaza, and has persisted to slaughter Palestinian civilians. The United States has continued to provide financial support, military arms, logistical support, and diplomatic cover utilizing the UN Security Council veto to circumvent the broad international consensus to protect the Palestinians in Gaza.

The prevailing American narrative is unfazed by the rulings of the ICJ in direct contravention of our obligations under the Genocide Convention, or even the growing opposition of the majority of the American people.

What is becoming self-evident to the American people is we are being ruled by a government of extreme wealth, for extreme wealth, and by extreme wealth.

Where once America was a nation pursuing our manifest destiny, instead we appear destined to become a manifest failure.

1Excerpt from the Declaration of Independence.

2Per Wikipedia

Personal Growth

Letting Go of the How

What is your heart’s desire? Have you forgotten?

I understand.

We live in a time where our dreams have been reduced to fairy tales completely untethered from the reality of our lives.

And yet dream we must, because there has to be more to life than the white noise on our TV screens.

Now what?

While the audacity of my dream makes me feel uncomfortable, there is real value in remembering why I conjured this dream in the first place.

Here lies the remnants of my sense of purpose.

When I unpack my dream, I notice it involved the thing I most wanted to do without considering anything else.

No thoughts about money, or risk of failure, or even what my friends and family would think.

I realize I still want my dream.

Now that I am really thinking about it, I can’t help but consider whether I can make this happen. Is it really possible?


Then reality sets in.

I still have bills to pay, and responsibilities I can’t simply abandon.

And yet my dream is possible.

As I consider the wisdom of my life’s successes, I realize even my best laid plans rarely worked as I intended. On those rare occasions where I achieved my goal, my route was far more opportunistic than I ever anticipated.

I intend to make my dream come true.

And the thing that gives me confidence is choosing to let go of how I will do it.

Letting go of the How is a super power because it frees me to see all the possibilities.

Like a running back weaving through multiple defenders, I will seize every opportunity life offers to make my dream a reality.

Social Evolution

As the Bough Breaks…

We know things long before we realize them.

Like the hair raising on the back of our necks, we can feel something is terribly wrong.

We turn on the news and we hear a relentless stream of conflict globally, nationally, regionally, and locally.

We walk past a storefront window, and we notice the look on our face is a grimace. What am I so upset about?

The tension we are experiencing is not our over-active imaginations, it is the disquieting realization that life as we have known it is breaking down.

Consider what is left of the American Dream

To work hard to obtain a high-quality education or vocation, so we can contribute valuable services to society in exchange for compensation sufficient to own a home, save for rainy days, education for the kids, retirement, take quality vacations, and buy the goods and services we desire to provide for ourselves and our families.   

This aspiration used to be normal and accessible for most Americans.

Or the American experiment

“Government of the People, By the People, For the People…”1

The first open immigration nation…

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”2

Land of the free, home of the brave.

America…the indispensable nation.3

And even the current Presidential Election

Our top three choices:

Democratic nominee – President Joe Biden

Republican nominee – Former President Donald Trump

Independent candidate – Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

The only topic they all agree on is the unconditional support of Israel’s on-going genocide of Palestinians in Gaza.

As Senior Airman Aaron Bushnell said before self-immolating:

“This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal.”

The bough is breaking, and the established institutions will fall.

The task for each of us is to decide what new society shall emerge out of the ashes.

1 From the “Gettysburg Address” written by Abraham Lincoln
2 From “The New Colossus” by Emma Lazarus
3 Popularized by Secretary of State Madeleine Albright


An Open Email to RFK Jr.

The one major impediment to the goal of electing you the first independent President of the United States is your unwavering support of Israel’s response to 10/7/2023. On this point, you align with Presidents Biden and Trump, and you alienate millions of young voters, Arab-American voters, and the majority of democrats who are horrified by Israel’s live-streamed genocide of Palestinians in Gaza.

Personally, I find your justification radically incongruent with your evidence-based approach to every other issue you advocate for. On the issue of genocide, the governing document is the Genocide Convention, which Israel and the United States are signatories. Under the Genocide Convention, the International Court of Justice (hereinafter ICJ) has jurisdiction to make determinations on issues relating to genocide. The ICJ has made multiple initial determinations based on evidence provided by South Africa under a context where Israel has vigorously presented a defense. Beyond the finding that the evidence provided establishes Israel is plausibly committing genocide, the ICJ issued extraordinary measures based on the likelihood the Palestinian people in Gaza would suffer irreparable damage by the time the case was fully adjudicated. The emergency provisions, which are legally binding to all signatories, required Israel to stop harming the Palestinians as prescribed in the Genocide Convention, and by a 16-1 ruling (which included the Israeli judge) ordered Israel to stop publicly inciting genocide, punish anyone publicly inciting genocide, and to stop blocking humanitarian aid from reaching the Palestinians in Gaza. Since the 1/26/2024 emergency provisions, Israel has materially reduced the amount of humanitarian aid entering Gaza and have engaged in a relentless slaughter of Palestinian civilians in Gaza.

Your stated position is Israel has a right to defend itself from the terrorist attack on 10/7/2023. You state Israel is taking extraordinary measures to limit civilian casualties. Your comments are completely detached from the confirmed impacts on the Palestinians in Gaza and from the stated intentions of Israeli leadership. As for Israel’s right to defense, the ICJ did not rule that Israel cannot defend itself. The emergency provisions indicate that Israel must greatly limit the deadly harm it is inflicting on the civilian population.

You must address this issue honestly. You must stop conflating self-defense with the unprecedented slaughter of civilian men, women, children, aid workers, press personnel, medical staff, and UN staff. You must acknowledge the legitimacy of the ICJ or explain your abdication from the Genocide Convention.

As the deaths from famine begin dwarfing the merciless slaughter via military means, this issue will dog your campaign by bleeding support to Dr. Jill Stein and Dr. Cornell West. The tragedy is they can’t win, but you can. If anyone can thread the needle of supporting Israel’s right to exist while simultaneously condemning them for the live-streamed war crimes they are proudly committing, you can. And if you do, you can win in a landslide.

Please either reconsider your position or develop an honest defense for what we can all see with our own eyes.

Economics Politics Social Evolution

What Can Be Done?

The first step to solving any problem is recognizing you have one.

What is our problem?

We are experiencing the poly-crisis.

We face a climate crisis where the use of fossil fuels are accelerating the warming of the planet, which is destabilizing the ecology sustaining current life of Earth.

We face an economic crisis where the mass majority of people, even in the wealthiest country on Earth, are struggling to afford essential goods and services.

We face a democratic crisis where the major political parties are so corrupt the super majority of voters have little influence on public policy.

We face a geopolitical crisis where an escalating series of surrogate conflicts are leading inevitably to WWIII.

Are there any solutions?

There are many.

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the use of fossil fuels are causing the accelerating warming of the Earth. A rapid reduction in the use of fossil fuels will keep the warming from causing irreversible, catastrophic climate-related damages. We can achieve a rapid reduction of fossil fuels if we invest in a rapid increase of renewable energy.

The economic crisis is not due to insufficient goods and services in the global economy. The economic crisis is due to the gluttonous hoarding of goods and services by wealthy elites.

The democratic crisis is not due to a lack of voting rights or limited eligibility to run for elected office. The democratic crisis is due to insufficient political participation by the electorate, which empowers wealth to dominate political influence. If the electorate chose to reclaim its sovereignty by prioritizing political participation, political advertising and exclusive name recognition would not be as effective in determining election results.

The geopolitical crisis is due to the military industrial complex’s success in manufacturing consent through the use of prevailing narratives. We can overcome these narratives and reclaim our consent with a sober assessment of the historical facts leading up to each conflict.

The necessary condition for each one of these solutions is Unity.

The only advantage the global population has over the ruling elite is the power of our extreme majority, which can only be harnessed if we Unify.

If each of us reduces our use of fossil fuels as much as we can, we will slow the warming of our planet and force wealthy elites to offer renewable energy alternatives.

If each of us shared our excess resources in our local communities, we would eliminate the suffering from resource deprivation.

If each of us committed an hour a day to learning about our national, state and local politics, money would no longer be able to manipulate us to vote against our own interests.

If each of us challenged the prevailing narrative supporting the latest military conflict, none of us will have to die in another senseless war for the benefit of extreme wealth.

What can be done when we Unify?

We can each participate in the development of a global society that serves all of us.