Personal Growth

Death demystified

We have been taught death is about loss.

We mourn death.

We cry, tear clothing…fall into despair.

No more hugs. No more long conversations to the early morning light.

They are gone.

Yet while they were here, did we see them every day? No

And though we didn’t always see them, or talk to them, they enriched our lives every day.

How? Because our love made us one.

Regardless of what life offered, we knew how they thought, and what they would say. We knew they loved and supported us come what may. Knowing them made our lives better.

Does death make us forget? No

Losing physical contact is a profound loss, but once we make the emotional and spiritual connection through the love we share, we never, EVER lose each other.

This is why we should love as many people as we can. Certainly every person who contributes to making our lives worth living. Because in the absence of genuine love, physical connection is all we share…

…And death truly becomes a total loss.

By AZStranger

Son, father, brother, husband and human.
Life learner...