Personal Growth Philosophy Spirituality

Earth Critters

One truth I have realized is Mother is a word for all that give us life. Beyond my birth mother, I live because…

I have sunshine. 

Thank you Mother Sun…

I have water. 

Thank you Mother Ocean, River, Lake, Stream…

I have nutrient food. 

Thank you Mother Earth, Animals, Plants, Farmers, Harvest Workers, Food Distribution Workers, Grocers…

I have shelter.

Thank you Mother Trees, Mother Earth, Homebuilder, Construction Workers, Innovators, Electricians, Utility Workers…

I have biodiversity.

Thank you Mother Gut Critters that support my digestion, Mother Bees that facilitate pollination, Mother Nature that supports my ecology…

I have so many Mothers to be thankful for. 

Now imagine what Mother Sun sees when she looks at the Earth?

A beautiful blue marble housing trillions of Earth critters. 

We are all children of the Universe. 

Each sovereign because we are empowered to make choices and unified by our shared symbiotic existence.