Economics Politics

I’ll Be Gone, You’ll Be Gone

Pulp Fiction is a story dealing with lurid or sensational subjects.1

What do we call an environment where reality becomes stranger than Pulp Fiction?

Tuesday in America.

On this Tuesday, we face:

The worse income & wealth inequality in U.S. history.

A Presidential election between a convicted felon and an enabler of a live-

streamed genocide in Gaza.

A climate crisis presenting existential challenges

War in Ukraine that may lead to WWIII

War in Gaza that may lead to WWIII

Imminent war in Taiwan that may lead to WWIII

If only this was a movie we could just leave before the ending.

When I consider how we could find ourselves in this poly-crisis of events, I realize the ruling class have detached from any consideration of our future.

Wall Street has allegedly converted the major stock exchanges into day trading casinos manipulated by using cryptographic signals.2

The presidential election offers a selection of establishment candidates where two-thirds of the electorate would prefer a different choice.

A majority of Americans oppose the Wars in Ukraine and Gaza, and have no appetite for a war over Taiwan.

Leading scientists from 195 member nations of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change unanimously insist global annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions must be cut 43% by 2030 to give us a 50% chance of avoiding the worse, irreversible climate-related impacts. Yet annual GHG emissions continue to grow driven primarily by quarter-to-quarter profit seeking.

The rationale aligning these events is the ruling class will benefit now, while the rest of us suffer the consequences now and in the future.

In the halls of power, they whisper and nod: “I’ll be gone, you’ll be gone.”



By AZStranger

Son, father, brother, husband and human.
Life learner...