Economics Politics

An Open Response to Marianne Williamson

Here is my response to a post by Marianne Williamson regarding the lack of civility in our public discourse:


I resonate deeply with your thoughtful post. The toxicity of our public discourse has been trending poorly for decades. I remember writing Bill Clinton a ten page letter for his inauguration in January 1993 where the gist of the letter was an appeal to restore constructive critique to our public discourse so that differences in opinion were not assumed to be differences in core values.

And yet look how things have turned out. Bill transformed the Democratic Party into the party of American Empire serving extreme wealth at the expense of everyone else. Today, we are experiencing the revealing of a realignment twenty years in the making…neocons and neoliberals representing the establishment, and the anti-establishment contained in the unity platform under Trump 3.0 (RFK Jr and Tulsi Gabbard) and 3rd party candidates Drs. Jill Stein and Cornell West.

The establishment has given us an ever increasingly calamitous series of events:

9/11 (blowback for US foreign policy in the Middle East),

Wars in Iraq & Afghanistan,

Great Recession (caused by Clinton’s deregulation of Wall Street),

Great Bailout of Wall Street (led by Obama who paid 100% AIG counterparty claims to Wall Street fraudsters while millions of victimized Americans lost their jobs, homes, savings, pensions),

Great ‘get out of Jail’ (Eric Holder failing to use RICO laws to prosecute Wall Street for intentionally mis-rating MBS that crashed the global economy),

COVID-19 (where the weight of evidence indicates was caused by Gain of Function research financed by the National Institutes of Health led by Dr. Fauci),

CARES Act (which provided temporary relief for individuals and small businesses while authorizing the Federal Reserve to invest $4T in large publicly traded corporations = 2020 GDP -3.5% vs. S&P +16% & NASDAQ comp +43.6%),

Fed Reserve Investment led to Housing Asset bubble from 2021-23 (raised average home value 40% since 1/2021), Inflation spike (peaked at 9.1% 4/2022), 30-year mortgage tripled (2.5% 2/2021 to peak 8% 9/2023 to now 6.5%) leading to worse housing affordability crisis outside of a depression,

NATO provoked War in Ukraine (caused by NATO expansion to include all former Warsaw Pact nations and 3 provinces of the former USSR),

US enabled genocide by Israel in Gaza (There is no self defense justification under the Genocide Convention ratified by the U.S., Israel and over 140 nations),

Sham 2024 Democratic Primary season (after DNC manipulated Primaries in 2016 and 2020), political coup of President Biden (threatening 25th amendment removal), DNC selection of Kamala Harris (1st major party nominee since 1952 who failed to receive one vote in primary season),

Trump assassination attempt (lone wolf given clear shot from 130 yards???),

Refusal of Secret Service protection for RFK Jr until Trump assassination, placing Tulsi Gabbard on Terrorist travel list, relentless political based lawfare against a former President for the first time in U.S. history (intervened by the U.S. Supreme Court applying same limited immunity enjoyed by governors, mayors, state officials and law enforcement to the President),

And finally the campaign of Kamala Harris completely orchestrated by Democratic establishment media (50 days: one joint interview with CNN, one debate with ABC, one local interview in Philadelphia).

Who is running the country right now? Who is deciding whether U.S. weapons can be used by Ukraine to launch attacks in Russia (effectively converting the War in Ukraine to a NATO war with Russia)?

Can we finally speak truth to power?

How can you stand with the Cheney supported Democratic Party?

By AZStranger

Son, father, brother, husband and human.
Life learner...

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