
Let freedom ring!

I am a free man.

Today, I awoke to a beautiful Saturday morning.

I am free to make this day all it can be; To get in my car and drive in any direction; To visit my family and friends; To strengthen my body with exercise and nutritious food.

In truth, I am free to go as far as my bank account and credit cards will allow me to go. My bills are paid, and I have a few hundred dollars left in my budget to spend before I get paid next Friday. But I won’t get paid next Friday if I don’t show up to work on Monday. Therefore, I am free from now through Sunday.

I am free to choose my vocation, if I accept the compensation will set the boundaries of my freedom and the freedom of my family.

I am free to live anywhere I want, if I can pay the cost to live there.

If I get sick, I am free to see any doctor or seek any treatment I can afford to pay for.

In other words, I am a free* man.

And yet, I’m one of the lucky ones.

*subject to my capacity to earn money.

By AZStranger

Son, father, brother, husband and human.
Life learner...