Personal Growth

Why Loving You Doesn’t Make Me a Dreamer

I love you because…

You decided to have me.

You carried and nourished me in your body for 40 weeks.

You taught me the language that expresses my thoughts and frames my dreams.

You raised me, educated me, believed in me long before I knew who I could be.

Your efforts, discoveries, and choices produced the body of knowledge I use daily to contribute to the world around me.

I am able to work because you paved the roads that lead to my job, built the car I drive, and completed all the repairs that allows my car to run.

You produce my food, my shelter, my safety, and every thing I am unable to produce for myself.

I do participate in my success, but compared to your contribution, my efforts seem nearly meaningless.

So yes…I love you. Because given all you do, loving you is the most rational, practical, and obvious thing I can do.

By AZStranger

Son, father, brother, husband and human.
Life learner...