Social Evolution Spirituality

Until we clean our lens

Reality is…regardless of how we see it.

The sun rises…and everything grows.

The blue sky resides above…regardless of the weather that passes below.

The blessing of every birth…is matched by the certainty of every death.

And so it is, in this thing called life.

How we see reality determines how we experience life. We are all partially filled vessels…divided by what we are and what we aspire to be.

For those of us consumed by our aspirations, we hardly notice the abundance we enjoy. Instead, we are immersed in the mythology of our dreams…constantly reminded of what we lack. Reaching…striving…seeking for the next shiny bauble of our vivid imaginations.

All the while paying little attention to the bounty of gifts we receive that empowers us to take the next breath.

None of us produce the air we breathe…

…the water we drink

…the food we eat

…the clothes we wear

…the shelter that protects us

…the weather that sustains us

…the atmosphere that supports us

…the language we speak, think, and dream

…the knowledge that informs us

…or even the love we receive.

Once we remember the abundance that empowers us, our hearts will overflow with gratitude and the deep desire to give as richly as we receive.

This is the symbiotic relationship that defines our connection with each other and the natural environment that sustains us.

Yet we will never know until we clean our lens.

By AZStranger

Son, father, brother, husband and human.
Life learner...