
Our time has arrived…

We are living at a transformative moment in history. Whenever shelter in place ends, we will all have an opportunity to participate in how to rebuild society and the economy.

The one advantage to shutting down the non-essential economy is deciding what is worth re-investing in. For many people, this reality may sound frightening, but consider how we were living was not sustainable for the country or the world.

The cost of what was normal life included rapidly approaching soil depletion putting our food supply at risk, increasing regularity of once in a lifetime weather catastrophes due to global warming, devastating collapse of biodiversity involving species extinctions, and global resource utilization challenging the Earth’s carrying capacity. The last problem is so severe there is growing support for significant population growth controls.

As such, normal life was going to change.

Thankfully, we now have a unique opportunity to reconsider how we use global resources in order to establish a new life that is sustainable.

We each have a role to play in the formation of the post-COVID-19 economy and society.

Please appreciate the fact that people will be making these decisions whether we participate or not.

My hope is each of you will give serious thought to how we can all participate in this rare opportunity to develop a sustainable society for ourselves and our progeny.

By AZStranger

Son, father, brother, husband and human.
Life learner...