Personal Growth

Why love matters…

Has time ever stopped for you?

Your mind was quiet. What’s next didn’t matter. You even forgot where you were. And for a moment, you almost felt boundless.

It didn’t have to be a romantic moment. It could have happened any where. The one compelling feature was the capture of at least one of your senses. But in that moment, you only felt connected to someone…to some thing…and in that instant nothing else mattered.

Then life began again. The noise returned. Yesterday defined tomorrow without consideration for today. And the serenity you felt in that instant receded just beyond your reach.

Modernity deceives us into believing…doing breeds fulfillment. Yet actual experience teaches us… being is our ultimate experience. Consider the last time you felt abundant fulfillment. Regardless of the reasons that led to your ultimate satisfaction, you only realized it when you stopped, and let it soak all the way in.

In that moment you felt love. There is no happier feeling than when we suspend our busy lives and connect with the world that surrounds us.

Inversely, every other moment is defined by our preternatural loneliness, disguised as boredom, or listlessness, or anxiety…

By AZStranger

Son, father, brother, husband and human.
Life learner...