The one major impediment to the goal of electing you the first independent President of the United States is your unwavering support of Israel’s response to 10/7/2023. On this point, you align with Presidents Biden and Trump, and you alienate millions of young voters, Arab-American voters, and the majority of democrats who are horrified by Israel’s live-streamed genocide of Palestinians in Gaza.
Personally, I find your justification radically incongruent with your evidence-based approach to every other issue you advocate for. On the issue of genocide, the governing document is the Genocide Convention, which Israel and the United States are signatories. Under the Genocide Convention, the International Court of Justice (hereinafter ICJ) has jurisdiction to make determinations on issues relating to genocide. The ICJ has made multiple initial determinations based on evidence provided by South Africa under a context where Israel has vigorously presented a defense. Beyond the finding that the evidence provided establishes Israel is plausibly committing genocide, the ICJ issued extraordinary measures based on the likelihood the Palestinian people in Gaza would suffer irreparable damage by the time the case was fully adjudicated. The emergency provisions, which are legally binding to all signatories, required Israel to stop harming the Palestinians as prescribed in the Genocide Convention, and by a 16-1 ruling (which included the Israeli judge) ordered Israel to stop publicly inciting genocide, punish anyone publicly inciting genocide, and to stop blocking humanitarian aid from reaching the Palestinians in Gaza. Since the 1/26/2024 emergency provisions, Israel has materially reduced the amount of humanitarian aid entering Gaza and have engaged in a relentless slaughter of Palestinian civilians in Gaza.
Your stated position is Israel has a right to defend itself from the terrorist attack on 10/7/2023. You state Israel is taking extraordinary measures to limit civilian casualties. Your comments are completely detached from the confirmed impacts on the Palestinians in Gaza and from the stated intentions of Israeli leadership. As for Israel’s right to defense, the ICJ did not rule that Israel cannot defend itself. The emergency provisions indicate that Israel must greatly limit the deadly harm it is inflicting on the civilian population.
You must address this issue honestly. You must stop conflating self-defense with the unprecedented slaughter of civilian men, women, children, aid workers, press personnel, medical staff, and UN staff. You must acknowledge the legitimacy of the ICJ or explain your abdication from the Genocide Convention.
As the deaths from famine begin dwarfing the merciless slaughter via military means, this issue will dog your campaign by bleeding support to Dr. Jill Stein and Dr. Cornell West. The tragedy is they can’t win, but you can. If anyone can thread the needle of supporting Israel’s right to exist while simultaneously condemning them for the live-streamed war crimes they are proudly committing, you can. And if you do, you can win in a landslide.
Please either reconsider your position or develop an honest defense for what we can all see with our own eyes.
Author: AZStranger
Son, father, brother, husband and human.
Life learner...
What Can Be Done?
The first step to solving any problem is recognizing you have one.
What is our problem?
We are experiencing the poly-crisis.
We face a climate crisis where the use of fossil fuels are accelerating the warming of the planet, which is destabilizing the ecology sustaining current life of Earth.
We face an economic crisis where the mass majority of people, even in the wealthiest country on Earth, are struggling to afford essential goods and services.
We face a democratic crisis where the major political parties are so corrupt the super majority of voters have little influence on public policy.
We face a geopolitical crisis where an escalating series of surrogate conflicts are leading inevitably to WWIII.
Are there any solutions?
There are many.
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the use of fossil fuels are causing the accelerating warming of the Earth. A rapid reduction in the use of fossil fuels will keep the warming from causing irreversible, catastrophic climate-related damages. We can achieve a rapid reduction of fossil fuels if we invest in a rapid increase of renewable energy.
The economic crisis is not due to insufficient goods and services in the global economy. The economic crisis is due to the gluttonous hoarding of goods and services by wealthy elites.
The democratic crisis is not due to a lack of voting rights or limited eligibility to run for elected office. The democratic crisis is due to insufficient political participation by the electorate, which empowers wealth to dominate political influence. If the electorate chose to reclaim its sovereignty by prioritizing political participation, political advertising and exclusive name recognition would not be as effective in determining election results.
The geopolitical crisis is due to the military industrial complex’s success in manufacturing consent through the use of prevailing narratives. We can overcome these narratives and reclaim our consent with a sober assessment of the historical facts leading up to each conflict.
The necessary condition for each one of these solutions is Unity.
The only advantage the global population has over the ruling elite is the power of our extreme majority, which can only be harnessed if we Unify.
If each of us reduces our use of fossil fuels as much as we can, we will slow the warming of our planet and force wealthy elites to offer renewable energy alternatives.
If each of us shared our excess resources in our local communities, we would eliminate the suffering from resource deprivation.
If each of us committed an hour a day to learning about our national, state and local politics, money would no longer be able to manipulate us to vote against our own interests.
If each of us challenged the prevailing narrative supporting the latest military conflict, none of us will have to die in another senseless war for the benefit of extreme wealth.
What can be done when we Unify?
We can each participate in the development of a global society that serves all of us.
Pulp Fiction is a story dealing with lurid or sensational subjects.1
What do we call an environment where reality becomes stranger than Pulp Fiction?
Tuesday in America.
On this Tuesday, we face:
The worse income & wealth inequality in U.S. history.
A Presidential election between a convicted felon and an enabler of a live-
streamed genocide in Gaza.
A climate crisis presenting existential challenges
War in Ukraine that may lead to WWIII
War in Gaza that may lead to WWIII
Imminent war in Taiwan that may lead to WWIII
If only this was a movie we could just leave before the ending.
When I consider how we could find ourselves in this poly-crisis of events, I realize the ruling class have detached from any consideration of our future.
Wall Street has allegedly converted the major stock exchanges into day trading casinos manipulated by using cryptographic signals.2
The presidential election offers a selection of establishment candidates where two-thirds of the electorate would prefer a different choice.
A majority of Americans oppose the Wars in Ukraine and Gaza, and have no appetite for a war over Taiwan.
Leading scientists from 195 member nations of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change unanimously insist global annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions must be cut 43% by 2030 to give us a 50% chance of avoiding the worse, irreversible climate-related impacts. Yet annual GHG emissions continue to grow driven primarily by quarter-to-quarter profit seeking.
The rationale aligning these events is the ruling class will benefit now, while the rest of us suffer the consequences now and in the future.
In the halls of power, they whisper and nod: “I’ll be gone, you’ll be gone.”
What Would Americans Do?
In America, how did we get to a place where we have difficulty putting ourselves in the shoes of Palestinians?
What do we expect of them?
According to the prevailing narrative in America, there was peace between the Palestinians and Israel until the militant wing of Hamas launched a terrorist attack against innocent Israeli civilians on October 7th, 2023. In this attack, Hamas committed unspeakable atrocities and according to the official Israeli reporting, they slaughtered 1,139 people and took 252 hostages.
We are told the atrocities committed on October 7th by Hamas were an order of magnitude greater than 9/11 in America because the slaughtered victims represent a higher percentage of the Israeli population (approximately 8 million) than the victims killed on 9/11 (approximately 3,000 vs. a U.S. population of approximately 285 million at the time).
In response to the attack by Hamas, Israel has launched a comprehensive attack against the total population of Palestinians in Gaza.
Before firing one bullet or launching one bomb into Gaza, Israel stopped all deliveries of food, water, fuel, medical supplies, and other good and services needed to sustain the Palestinian population of 2.3 million.
Then Israel launched a military bombing campaign that exceeds the destructive capacity of any military action in the modern era. The military bombing campaign was followed by a full-scale ground invasion by one of the world’s most technologically advanced militaries.
Since October 7th, 2023, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, Israel has slaughtered 34,904 people, including 14,500 children and 9,500 women.
In the bombing campaign, according to the United Nations and the World Health Organization, Israel has damaged or destroyed:
- Over half of all homes
- 80% of all commercial facilities
- 75% of all schools
- 85% of all groundwater wells
- All 35 hospitals (only 12 remain partially functioning)
- 267 places of worship (all faiths and denominations)
Yet the prevailing narrative in America persists that Israel’s response is a justifiable expression of the right of self defense for the Hamas attack on October 7th.
If October 7th was an order of magnitude worse than 9/11 because of Israel’s smaller relative population, what is almost 35,000 Palestinian deaths in Gaza out of a total population of 2.3 million?
Given the fact that Israel is not yet satisfied, as reflected by the newly launched attack on Rafah, the relative casualty count proves that Israel and her enabler, America, do not value a Palestinian life on par with an Israeli life. Consider, more than 10 Palestinian children have been slaughtered for every one Israeli slaughtered on October 7th [Palestinian children slaughtered: 14,500 vs. total Israelis slaughtered on 10/7: 1,139].
This is what dehumanization looks like.
To break the fog of dehumanization in our prevailing narrative, lets consider what Americans would do if we were Palestinians.
Imagine if in 1947, countries from around the world had determined in order to protect indigenous communities from genocidal suffering, 58% of the United States would be designated as a new country for the world’s indigenous communities. This new country, hypothetically called “Indigia”, would become the home of indigenous people from around the world. Any indigenous person from any country would have an absolute right of return to make a new life in Indigia.
As for the Americans who have lived on the land of Indigia for generations, they would be given a choice: move to the remaining 42% of United States or die. There would be no compensation or standing granted for redress for any harms suffered.
What would Americans do?
Our obvious response would be to resist the loss of our land by any means necessary.
Yet with each attempt to resist, Indigia, fortified by the financial, military, and diplomatic support of the wealthiest countries in the world, crushed our rebellions and punished us by taking more of the United States.
Reduced to two separate encampments comprised of approximately 22% of the former United States, we began launching waves of non-violent resistance that were met with violent oppression. We followed with increasingly violent protests that were put down with even harsher oppressive force.
What would Americans do?
Would we ever accept the sovereign legitimacy of Indigia to territory we occupied for generations?
Would we find the global consensus in favor of Indigia a compelling justification to agree to live peacefully on our splintered territory?
This is where we were on October 6th, 2023.
What would Americans have done?
The Consciousness of Being
What is this existence we experience?
Energy and matter.
But not just energy and matter…
Energy passing through matter.
Energy transforming matter.
Energy enabling matter.
Where does the energy end and the matter begin?
Is our consciousness matter?
Yes. Matter empowered by energy.
Like a ray of light passing through a clear prism, our consciousness illuminates the existence we experience.
Yet our journey is not unique.
Wherever energy empowers matter, there is consciousness. The only difference is the prism in which the light passes.
To what end do we toil through this existence?
To gather the experience of finite conditions in order to gain perspective on our infinite journey.
This is why every existence is in the service of us all.
An Open Email Regarding Vladimir Putin
This email was sent to Breaking Points on February 23, 2024
Krystal & Saagar,
I am writing to you again on this topic because I view the Tucker Carlson Interview with Vladimir Putin as a historically important event and I believe your analysis on Monday’s show profoundly missed the mark. So you know, I am a multi-year premium subscriber because I appreciate the transparency and intellectual integrity you both exude by thoughtfully offering critiques of your own ideological allies. Please accept the following analysis in the spirit of constructive critique. One last side note: For most of the last 20+ years I have had complete contempt for Tucker Carlson because I viewed him as an intellectually dishonest shill for the Republican establishment. Over the last year I have begun to reconsider.
Critique of the Putin Interview
[Copy of Official Transcript was attached to original email]
- When Tucker Carlson asked the first question [Why did Russia attack Ukraine?], framing it within the context of Putin’s quote regarding his concern that NATO (America) may launch an attack from Ukrainian territory, Putin responded by asking Tucker “whether this interview was a show or are we having a serious conversation?” Tucker agreed this was a serious conversation. To understand what Putin meant you must consider Russian culture. A serious conversation, as he demonstrated, involves addressing the root causes which necessarily considers the historical context that drives current events. In short, Russians are verbose but as Tucker’s introduction comment stated “Putin was not filibustering”. Putin’s history lesson explained how cultural identity in Eastern Europe did not align with national borders. To this Tucker made that same assumption you both did [he attacked Ukraine to unite the greater Russia], he twice asked “if Putin thought Ukrainian borders were illegitimate, why didn’t Putin attack when he took office in 2000?” Putin suggested he is getting there but had not finished his answer. Putin’s answer was Russia did not attack Ukraine until the U.S. had financed the violent overthrow of the democratically elected government of Ukraine (who was committed to neutrality) and installed an anti-Russian government open to joining NATO. This installed government launched a military weaponized attack on the ethnically Russian Ukrainians in the southeast provinces. This is when Russia first attacked Ukraine back in 2014. Russia negotiated a peace agreement with Ukraine, witnessed and guaranteed by Poland, Germany and France, called the Minsk Agreement, which protected ethnically Russian Ukrainians while leaving their provinces within the national borders of Ukraine. The U.S. installed Ukrainian government reneged on the Minsk Agreement and Germany and France announced publicly they would not enforce the agreement. The U.S. and NATO then began arming Ukraine and building military bases in Ukraine. This was Russia’s redline and where they committed to attack Ukraine in February 2022.
- Putin provided his perspective on the Russian – American relationship since the disbanding of the Soviet Union in early 1990’s. Key Points:
- Soviet leadership agreed to support the reunification of Germany and for Germany to remain a member of NATO. In exchange, America gave the Soviet leadership a ‘private assurance’ that NATO would not expand one inch east of Germany.
- Russia had hoped to be accepted into normal political and economic relationships with western nations because they abdicated communism in lieu of western style free-market capitalism.
- Putin opened the door to Russia potentially joining NATO by asking President Clinton if he would be supportive. Clinton ultimately said No.
- Putin communicated with HW Bush, in response to W Bush’s decision to develop a missile defense system, that Russia would like to partner with the U.S. and Europe to develop a missile defense system to protect all nations. W Bush’s national security team lead by Condoleezza Rice rejected Russia’s offer. This is why Russia developed the hypersonic missile systems to overwhelm the U.S. developed missile defense system.
- Putin stated he has no expansionist interest.
- Tucker asked him under what conditions would he attack Poland. Putin answered only if Poland attacked Russia.
- Tucker stated the Western countries’ concern regarding Russia’s attack on Ukraine is that he intends to go further into western Europe. Putin responded he has no interest in global wars that would threaten the existence of humanity.
- Tucker asked how Putin “reconciles being a leader who has to kill with being a Christian?” Putin responded “It is very easy when it comes to protecting oneself and one’s family, one’s homeland. We won’t attack anyone.”
- Putin stated Russia is prepared to negotiate peace now.
- Russia negotiated a peace agreement in 2014 (Minsk Agreement)
- Russia negotiated a peace agreement in April 2022 that was scuttled by Boris Johnson at the behest of the United States.
- America has stated they intend to use the War in Ukraine to weaken the Russian Military.
- Putin stated America has made a stupid and grave mistake using the U.S. dollar as an instrument of force to control countries around the world. By seizing Russia’s U.S. dollar denominated reserves, America has sent a signal to the whole world that they may be subject to the same treatment. This has led to the expansion of BRICS and the increased use of the Chinese Yuan for international trade (including oil & natural gas). Putin stated these actions hurt American taxpayers in the same way they have hurt America’s allies, such as Germany. Putin warned America of the damage that will occur if we try to do the same with China.
- Putin rejected Tucker’s framing of the Russo-China relationship “as trading one colonial power for another” by stating “you don’t pick your neighbors like you don’t pick your family. Russia shares a 1,000 km border with China. We have co-existed as neighbors for centuries. We are used to each other. Russia sees China’s foreign policy is focused on seeking compromise…we accept that. Trade with China is mutually beneficial. Trade between China and Europe is growing faster than China and Russia. He rejects the ‘boogeyman’ story regarding China.”
Putin’s comments above beg a critical question for us: Is what he is saying true?
On the question of why Russia attacked Ukraine:
- The private assurance America gave the former Soviet leadership that NATO would not expand one inch east of Germany has been validated by multiple sources. The prevailing retort to this private assurance is Russia failed to get the agreement in writing. This is why Putin said America tricked Russia. At the height of the cold war during the Cuban Missile crisis, nuclear war was averted when President Kennedy gave Premier Khrushchev a ‘private assurance’ that if the U.S.S.R removed the missiles from Cuba, secretly, six months later, America would remove the nuclear missiles from Turkey.” Private assurances are very important tools used by nations to settle disputes in a manner that saves face for the participants. Given America’s history with the U.S.S.R, Gorbachev and Yeltsin had every reason to believe the U.S. when we gave them the private assurance not to expand NATO one inch east of Germany. It is important to also note the significance of Russia supporting the reunification of Germany as part of NATO. In WWII, the U.S.S.R lost over 20 million people at the hands of Germany. The creation of the Warsaw Pact, including East Germany, was to form a security buffer against western aggression [see Russian deaths in the Napoleonic Wars, WWI, and WWII].
- The violent overthrow of the democratically elected government of Ukraine is a matter of public record. The only question is whether America was involved. It has been reported that Victoria Nuland was recorded on tape informing the American Ambassador to Ukraine of who would comprise the new leadership in Ukraine before the overthrow had occurred. Since the point of the overthrow was to install Ukrainian leadership who would be open to joining NATO, anti-Russian Ukrainians were sought. Putin explained after the independence of Ukraine was granted in the early 1990’s, Ukraine sought to develop an independent identity, which they found in the anti-Russia collaborators with Nazi Germany during WWII. Putin stated the Ukrainians made heroes of the notable collaborators who had slaughtered Poles, Jews and Russians at the request of the Nazis. He referred to the debacle of the Speaker of the Canadian Parliament recognizing a Ukrainian Nazi, and along with Ukrainian President Zelenskyy, gave the war criminal a standing ovation.
On the question of Russian Expansion vs. NATO expansion:
- Since the dissolution of the U.S.S.R, Russia’s territorial boundaries are a matter of public record. Putin has led/controlled Russia since 2000. Where has Russia expanded? Where has NATO expanded?
- Per a report by CNBC (see Two maps show NATO’s growth and Russia’s isolation since 1990 (, NATO has expanded to include all the former WARSAW Pact countries and three countries that had been a part of the former Soviet Union.
- In response to Russia’s redline against including Ukraine in NATO, America has further expanded NATO to include Finland and Sweden.
On the question of a negotiated peace in Ukraine:
- Russia has negotiated peace agreements in 2014 and 2022 that were rejected by Ukraine at the behest of western countries.
- The U.S. Secretary of Defense publicly stated the goal of the War in Ukraine is to weaken the Russian military.
- President Biden has publicly stated the goal of the War in Ukraine is for regime change in Russia.
On the question of why the dissolution of the U.S.S.R did not lead to full normalization and integration of Russia with western nations:
- Russia tried multiple times and were rejected:
- Russia agreed to German reunification as part of NATO in exchange for no eastern expansion of NATO. Russia’s support of German reunification is a matter of public record. NATO has expanded to include all Warsaw Pact countries and three countries within the former U.S.S.R.
- Russia opened the door for consideration of joining NATO. President Clinton declined support. This can easily be verified by asking former President Clinton.
- Russia offered to develop a missile defense system with the U.S. and Europe. U.S. rejected offer. This can be easily verified by asking Condoleeza Rice.
- Russia demonstrated a willingness to partner with the U.S. by agreeing to safely enrich Iranian uranium under the Iran Nuclear deal negotiated by the Obama Administration. UN inspectors were validating Russia’s compliance until President Trump pulled out of the deal.
- Russia signed the Minsk Agreement after the U.S. had financed the violent overthrow of a democratically elected Ukrainian government. The Minsk Agreement is a matter of public record that has been acknowledged by Germany and France.
- Putin stated Russia is willing to negotiate peace in Ukraine now despite the U.S. blowing up the Nord Stream pipeline. Side Note: Seymore Hersh reported, and most analysts acknowledge, the U.S. blew up the Nord Stream pipeline.
On the question of the grave error of using the U.S. dollar as an instrument of force:
- A cursory review of foreign sovereign U.S. denominated reserves confirms even America’s allies are diversifying:

(See Will The U.S. Dollar Lose Its Global Reserve Status? | Seeking Alpha)
My hope in taking the time to share this level of detail is to encourage you to invite Tucker Carlson on Breaking Points to have a ‘serious discussion’ [American style!] about the implications of the information shared by Vladimir Putin. Our government and our media have lied to us to a magnitude outlined in George Orwell’s “1984”. The War in Ukraine is not unique. The same playbook has been used in the War in Gaza. The prevailing narrative persistently is designed to ‘manufacture our consent’ [Thank you Noam Chomsky]. The Freedom of the Press is in the first amendment of the Constitution because it is the essential tool to inform the People of the truth so they can hold their elected officials accountable.
One truth I have come to realize is the prerequisite for personal fulfillment is to know thyself. As I have immersed in my personal exploration, I find the journey can be expressed as follows:
Who Am I? —> What Am I? —–> Why Am I?
Who Am I?
Who I am is how I and the world see me.
I am a human, biologically male, and descendant of Panamanian & African American lineage.
I was born 58 years ago in the Bronx, NY, which makes me an American.
I am college educated, a military veteran, who built a 25-year career in business banking but now works in Climate Risk Management and Sustainability.
I voted democratic for twenty years, republican for 5 years, and independent ever since.
I could go on but by now I hope you see the pattern.
Who I am shows only the uniforms I wear.
Who I am is merely the upper layers of my being. To understand more, I must explore how I exist.
To exist, I need oxygen to breathe, water to drink, nutrient food to eat, clothes & shelter to protect my body from extreme weather, and so much more. Yet, I do not produce what I need to exist. Therefore, I exist as part of a greater reality.
How did I come to exist? How do I function as part of this greater reality?
I came to exist because my parents chose to have sex, producing a fertile egg that set off an energetic chain reaction of cell reproduction, which empowers me my whole life until the energy leaves my body at death.
The thread that connects how I came to exist with how I live my life is Energy.
What Am I?
I am Energy having a human experience.
As a human, I am learning what it feels like to be mortal.
This is important because Energy is immortal, therefore has no understanding of mortality.
What does Energy do? How does Energy function?
Energy flows until it collides with matter.
When Energy collides with matter, the matter changes to something else. This change is called Creation.
The power revealed by my human experience is we are capable of directing energy.
I exercise my power through the choices I make.
Accordingly, the reality of my human experience is defined by the myriad of choices made by all the participants in my life’s journey.
Why Am I?
As an energetic being having a human experience, I am empowered to direct energy to co-create the reality in which I live.
Therefore, the ultimate Why I Am is to decide what reality do I want to co-create.
Anatomy of the Lie
How do you know when you are being lied to?
Often, I don’t know.
But when I consider the occasions when I have learned I was lied to, I notice a pattern emerging.
All lies start out as one source’s account of what happened. As long as I believe the source’s account, the lie appears to be true. Yet, as soon as I expand my perspective by trying to validate the source’s account, I begin the process of exposing the Lie.
Another pattern I noticed is the bigger the lie, the harder the liar works to get me to accept their version of events. In these occasions, any effort to explore alternative explanations are strongly discouraged.
Consider a standard Lie:
“When my two sons, Patrick and Matthew, were young they loved candy. We used to keep a candy dish on the coffee table reserved for guests. One day, I entered the living room and noticed the candy dish was empty. I called Patrick and Matthew into the room and asked: “Do either of you know what happened to the candy in the candy dish?” Patrick said, “I don’t know.” Matthew said, “I saw Patrick eating the candy and when I asked for some, he wouldn’t give me any.” Patrick immediately denied eating any candy. Someone was obviously lying. As it turned out, I happened to notice Matthew’s pants pocket seemed full of something. I asked Matthew to empty his pockets. Grudgingly, Matthew emptied his pockets revealing the empty candy wrappers from the candy dish.”
In the simple example, Matthew’s lie could only be true if I explored no further than his account of what happened.
Now consider an outrageous Lie:
“In the case of Genocide by Israel in Gaza, the claim is baseless and without merit.”[stated 1/3/2024 by John Kirby, Spokesperson, U.S. National Security Council]
In order for this statement to be true, an objective assessment of the case submitted to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) by South Africa would reveal no substantive evidence was provided to support the claim. Yet on January 26th, 2024, 15 out of 17 judges of the ICJ ruled the evidence provided by South Africa was sufficient to support a claim that Israel was plausibly committing genocide in Gaza.
In this severe example, the statement by John Kirby was a desperate attempt to invalidate any consideration of an alternative explanation. Why? Because any objective assessment would prove John Kirby’s statement was completely untrue.
Have you observed this pattern elsewhere?
The key take-away is to always get perspective on all explanations we are given, especially when we are told no other explanation is valid.
It is 2024 and once again we turn our tired eyes towards electing another President of the United States.
Why so tired?
Biden vs. Trump…the election two-thirds of America does not want.
This is what the American Experiment has come down to…two of the least popular Presidents in U.S. history running in a rematch.
We could laugh it off for the pulp fiction it is if we were not facing a myriad of existential challenges:
- A climate crisis requiring a rapid reduction in global greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 in order to avoid irreversible, catastrophic climate related impacts.
- Unnecessary geopolitical conflicts: War in Ukraine, Genocide in Gaza threatening a U.S. War with Iran, while the drum beats for a U.S. war with China over Taiwan.
- Severe Wealth & Income inequality radicalizing democratic governments around the world.
In our moment of greatest need, choosing the lesser of two evils will not do.
This moment calls for our generation’s Abraham Lincoln…a leader who is capable of uniting independent minded Americans for the good of each other And our country.
Who is this leader?
It is NOT President Joe Biden:
- Israel is committing genocide in Gaza. We know this because the genocide is being live streamed on social media by Israeli Defense Forces and Palestinians in Gaza. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has determined the evidence submitted by South Africa supports a plausible case for genocide in Gaza, and the risk of ‘irreparable prejudice’ to the Palestinian people is sufficient to support Emergency provisions to order Israel to immediately stop killing, harming or denying essential food, water, shelter or medical care to the Palestinians in Gaza. The ICJ issued six Emergency provisions, four by a vote of 15 – 2 and two by a vote of 16 – 1. For the two 16 – 1 provisions [preventing & punishing incitement to commit genocide, and providing essential food, water & care], the Israeli Judge on the ICJ concurred. The American representative on the ICJ, President (Chief Judge) Joan Donoghue, concurred with all 6 Emergency provisions. Only Uganda opposed all Emergency provisions.
- Yet, President Biden claims the charge of genocide by Israel is baseless. He has provided exclusive diplomatic cover for Israel’s genocide by twice vetoing globally supported ceasefire petitions at the United Nations. He has circumvented U.S. law by providing billions in funding to Israel directly and deployed two aircraft carrier groups to the region in support of Israel without Congressional consent.
- Biden has broken critical promises:
- Failed to raise the federal minimum wage
- Failed to provide $2,000 stimulus checks if Georgia elected both democratic senators
- Failed to provide broad Student Loan Forgiveness
- Forced Railroad Workers to end strike with no meaningful concessions from Corporate executives
- Claims he is running for re-election to protect democracy from fascism when he has orchestrated the first sham Presidential primary season in U.S. history. State democratic parties are being pressured by the National Democratic Party to cancel primary elections and grant all delegates to President Biden. Florida has already complied.
It is NOT former President Trump:
- While President Trump has successfully earned the anti-establishment moniker by eviscerating both President George W. Bush [for the War in Iraq] and Presidents Clinton and Obama [for selling out Middle & Working class Americans], he has done nothing to slow the multi-trillion dollar syphoning of wealth and income from the middle & working classes to the top 1% American earners.
- The CARES Act passed March 2020 offered temporary relief to workers and small businesses (most expired by August 2020) while providing the Federal Reserve the seed funds to unleash $4 Trillion dollars in liquidity to large corporations. By year-end 2020, people who earned $27,000 or less lost 10 million jobs, 30% of all small businesses in America closed and never reopened, yet corporations boomed with the S&P 500 increasing 16.3% and the NASDAQ Composite increasing 43.6%. U.S. Billionaires’ wealth increased by over $1 Trillion dollars, while according to the U.S. Census Household Pulse Survey: 33% of U.S. households are having a hard time covering basic expenses and 12% report food shortages.
- President Trump’s 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was a complete boondoggle for wealthy Americans by reducing corporate taxes from 35% to 21%, doubling the Estate tax eligibility threshold from $11 million per couple to $22 million, reducing the corporate pass-through tax by 20%, and reducing the highest earning individual tax bracket from 39.6% to 37%. Per the Tax Policy Center, the average annual benefit to top 1% earners is $61,090 while the median earners received just $910.
America wants an Independent:
- 2023 Gallop poll indicates 43% of Americans identify as Independent verses 27% for Democrats and 27% for Republicans
Independents need to borrow a page from former President Obama’s playbook. During the 2020 Democratic Primary, Senator Bernie Sanders was starting to run away with the race to the nomination. After tying in Iowa, Senator Sanders won New Hampshire, then blew away the field in Nevada. Establishment Democrats panicked. Over the next few weeks, leading up to Super Tuesday, President Obama encouraged centrist democrats Mayor Pete Buttigieg (#3 in delegates) and Amy Klobuchar (#4 in delegates) to drop out and endorse Biden (#2 in delegates) the day before Super Tuesday, while fellow liberal democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren (#5 in delegates) was encouraged to stay in the race to split the left leaning Super Tuesday voters. Senator Warren then dropped out two days later on March 5th, 2020.
Independents and 3rd Party Candidates should use the Primary/Caucus season to make their best case to the American people. As we enter the summer while both establishment parties are having their coronation conventions, Independents and 3rd Party candidates can come together and determine the unifying agenda, then select the strongest Presidential ticket for the general election. Once an independent ticket is selected, national ballot access can be obtained by utilizing the coalition parties earned ballot access (i.e. Green, No Labels or Libertarian Party access). Independent and participating 3rd party organizations can work together in support of the newly selected independent ticket.
What could be America’s unifying agenda?
According to the Rand Corporation, had the more equitable income distribution of the three decades after WWII (1945 – 1974) been maintained through today, all working Americans in the bottom 90% of earners would be doing much better. More specifically, you could pay each worker an additional $1,144 per month ($13,728 per year). The accumulated loss in earnings from 1975 to 2020 is estimated at $50 trillion dollars.
America needs the Clean New Deal.
The Clean New Deal is a two-part plan:
- Establishment of a new national commitment to rebuild the American Middle Class:
- National Jobs Guarantee with wages starting at Area Median Income
- Develop a new National Renewable Energy Power Grid
- Build a National Renewable Energy High Speed Rail System
- Modernize & Repair the Nation’s Bridges and Transportation Infrastructure
- Retrofit National Housing stock for Sustainability & Climate Risk Adaptation
- Retrofit Excess Commercial Real Estate for Sustainable Multifamily Housing
- Enact Medicare for All
- National Student Loan Forgiveness
- Free Public Vocational and College Education
- Phase Down of the Global U.S. Military Footprint
- Federal Tax Overhaul to restore pre-Reagan Progressive Tax Structure
- Our new Independent President must appoint an Independent Counsel who will:
- Investigate the Criminal Causes of the Multi-Trillion Dollar redistribution of Income & Wealth from Working and Middle Class Americans to the Wealthy Elites
- Establish a standing Federal Grand Jury to interrogate Persons of Interest and bring Federal Indictments where appropriate
- Make recommendations to the Congress for Impeachment of any Office Holders found to have engaged in actionable activities within the scope of the Independent Counsel
- Make Recommendations for Federal Legislation to repeal or modify any law that is found to have facilitated the extraordinary redistribution of income and wealth
If given a credible independent choice for President and a unifying agenda, America will reject the lesser of two evils and elect the first independent President of the United States.
No doubt it will be a moonshot, but so is America…the first country in the world to declare “we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal…”.

BookThinker’s Podcast with Nick Hutchison
Interview Link –
Interview Length: 43 minutes and 46 seconds
Broadcast Date: 11/04/2024
Regenerative Work Life Podcast with Alisa Murphy
Interview Link –
Interview Length: 59 minutes & 37 seconds
Broadcast Date: 10/09/2024
Democracy on the Move Podcast with Dan Schaefer
Interview Link –
Interview Length: 1 hour and 14 minutes & 38 seconds
Broadcast Date: 06/23/2024
Patrick Lovell “Truth Bombs” Podcast
Interview Link –
Interview Length: 1 hr 50 min & 56 sec
Broadcast Date: 02/27/2024
Patrick Lovell “Truth Bombs” Podcast
Interview Link –
Interview Length: 54 minutes and 7 seconds
Broadcast Date: 02/15/2024
Patrick Lovell “Truth Bombs” Podcast
Interview Link –
Interview Length: 1 hour and 56 minutes & 45 seconds
Broadcast Date: 12/8/2023
Democracy on the Move Podcast with Dan Schraefer
Interview Link –
Interview Length: 1 hour and 7 minutes & 36 seconds
Broadcast Date: 12/03/2023
Patrick Lovell “Truth Bombs” Podcast
Interview Link –
Interview Length: 59 minutes
Broadcast Date: 11/9/2023
365 Brothers with Rahbin Shyne
Interview Link:
Interview Length: 1 hour and 5 minutes
Broadcast Date: 8/30/2023
Life Changing Books Podcast by BookThinkers – Episode 122
Interview Link –
Interview Length: 1 hour and 2 minutes
Broadcast Date: 6/29/2023
Life Changing Books Podcast by BookThinkers – Episode 105
Interview Link –
Interview Length: 54 minutes
Broadcast Date: 3/9/2023
Matt Ray Talk
America’s First Network – Host
Interview Link –
Interview Length: 14 minutes, 51 seconds
Broadcast Date: 4/14/2021
Afternoon News Talk with Rick Dayton
KDKA – Pittsburgh & Cleveland
Interview Link –
Interview Length: 9 minutes, 23 seconds
Broadcast Date: 1/15/2021
The Morning Show with Frank Prosnitz
WBLQ – Rhode Island & Connecticut
Interview Link –
Interview Length: 45 minutes, 43 seconds
Live Interview Broadcast Date: 12/21/2020
Paul Pacelli – Connecticut Today – WICC
Broadcast to New York Tri-State area
Interview Link:
Interview Length: 15 minutes 30 seconds (starts at 42 minutes 30 seconds)
Live Interview Broadcast Date: 12/7/2020
Ted Ramey Show
YouTube Podcast Channel
Interview Link:
Interview Length: 1 hour and 1 minute
Interview Recorded: 10/30/2020
Interview Aired: 11/16/2020
Jim Bohannon Show
Simulcast nationally on Westwood One Radio
Interview Link:
Interview Length: 19 minutes 25 seconds
Interview Aired: 10/6/2020
KOA NewsRadio – April Zesbaugh & Marty Lenz
Simulcast nationally on iHeart Radio
Interview Link:
Interview Length: 10 minutes
Interview Recorded: 9/30/2020 [To be aired the week of 10/5 – 10/9]
700 WLW – Ken Broo – News Talk
Simulcast nationally on iHeart Radio
Interview Link:
Interview Length: 13 minutes
Interview Aired: 9/28/2020
Biz Talk Radio – The Frankie Boyer Show
Interview Link:
Interview Length: 20 minutes
Interview Aired: 9/15/2020
Feature Article in the Camas-Washougal Post-Record:
Washougal author rethinks ‘American dream’
*This page will be updated as media interviews occur.