Social Evolution

Dying from survival…

You know what I mean. To spend each day doing whatever you must to keep the lights on…to make sure your family is safe…to hold it all together for one more day. Dying from survival is allowing your soul to fade slowly away from lack of fulfillment…void of purpose…resigned to the task of pushing your bolder up that damn hill again, and again.

To what end?

There is more to this life than stacking coins of security. Remember when you didn’t even know about the grind? Yes, we were all young…dreaming about life before obligations. Actually feeling moments of happiness, unencumbered by responsibility.

That you still exists. This is who we are supposed to be. Our life fulfilled by reaching toward our aspirations; Unhindered by hunger or thirst or illness or lack of opportunity.

Our restoration resides beyond this paradigm we know all too well. The moment we stop living to stack coins is the moment we reclaim our true destiny…and recover the wellspring of our humanity.

We did not evolve to only survive.

Social Evolution

What if…

Remember playing “what if” as a child? What if you had a million dollars? What if you could live forever? I used to spend a lot of time day dreaming about what if. Today, as I consider my life, I now wonder what if my life was free from the constraints of money. The more I think about the impact money has on my life, the more I realize I am a slave to the need for money.

Virtually everything I know, everything I do, everywhere I go, everything I eat, and everywhere I sleep…is all determined by money. It has always been this way.

Yet in many ways, I’m a very blessed man. I was born and raised in the richest country in the world. I was provided a fantastic private school education. I entered my adulthood at a time when opportunities were opening to aspiring adults from an expanding range of ethnic, racial, and gender backgrounds. My chosen career came from amongst a wide range of choices, informed by extensive access to our accumulated knowledge. Despite all of these advantages, virtually every choice I have made was a function of money.

What if we all were free to make choices not constrained by the need for money? Let that thought sink in.

Imagine being born in a world where global resources were managed to maximize sustainability and minimize waste. Technology and innovation are deployed to produce the best products and services based on the accumulation of human knowledge. Automation is maximized to provide all the mundane, repetitive processes and services necessary for modern life, freeing each of us to focus our energies on pursuing our highest vocational aspirations. Every person would have access to a comprehensive education where the goal is scholarship not wealth. In such a world, a virtuous life would be measured by how each of us contribute to the well being of all of us.

Sounds like Utopia? Actually, this is what freedom feels like. Free people are empowered to reach their full potential. Slaves are constrained from reaching their full potential for the benefit of their masters. As we examine our lives today, how many of us can truly say we are free?


The first step toward the future…

There comes a point in every life when you first suspect something you always knew to be true may not be. For me, this moment was long in coming. Like the faintest whisper in a dark room, I have felt for some time my core American values that have defined my life were hollow and untrue. Yet it has only been in the last year or so that I fully realized why.

To understand my journey, I must reveal a bit of my story. I was raised by an amazing woman who invested her time and resources into her two sons. Growing up in the Bronx (NY), she worked two jobs to send us to 12 years of the best Catholic education available in New York. We both graduated from the prestigious Cardinal Spellman High School (Justice Sotomayor graduated from Spellman in 1972). After high school, I served four years active duty in the US Army. President Reagan was my Commander in Chief and General Colin Powell was my V Corp commander while I served as a member of NATO in Germany.

After my enlistment, I attended college in Texas and graduate school in Connecticut, before serving a one-year stint as a Lead Disaster Assistance Loan Officer in FEMA for the Northridge Earthquake disaster. For the last 22 years, I have worked as a financial services professional, primarily as a small business banker.

During most of my youth, I was a registered democrat, changing in 1998 to a registered republican, only to change again to a registered independent by 2004. I have participated in one political campaign as a Surrogate Speaker for Matt Salmon (R) when he ran for Arizona Governor in 2002 (we lost to Janet Napolitano). I voted for Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012, and for the first time in my life, I voted for the Green party candidate, Dr. Jill Stein, for President in 2016. For most of my life, I have been a true patriot who believed in serving a cause bigger than myself. The virtues of independence, individual liberty, limited government, and the pursuit of happiness have defined my life.

Yet in retrospect, I see the signs of my discontent starting in 1971 with the famous Powell memorandum, a call to arms for Corporate America to contribute a material portion of their earnings to the cause of transforming the government, academic scholarship, and the media to the advancement of corporate interests. By 1987, the glorification of corporate interest found popular expression in the motion picture “Wall Street”, where Gordon Gekko proudly proclaimed “Greed is good.”

Then in 1992, we elected a smooth-talking man of the people from Hope, Arkansas, who presented a new pro-business, socially liberal democrat. During Bill Clinton’s tenure, he led the Congress to ratify NAFTA, signed federal welfare reform, the 1994 crime bill, and as a parting present repealed Glass-Steagall and deregulated complex financial instruments. All these measures proved to be devastating for poor, working, and middle class Americans, and enormously beneficial for corporate interests.

In November 2000, we elected an encore named George W. Bush, who fully monetized the military industrial complex. President Bush codified the predicate for permanent war with the concepts of “pre-emptive war” and the “war on terror”.  Tax cuts in 2001 and 2003 coupled with the Medicare Part D bonanza for the Pharmaceutical industry, produced an economy where business was booming through 2006. Wall Street’s mortgage back security con, made legal by Bill Clinton in 1999, blew up the global residential real estate market by 2008. And to the rescue came Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Congressional democrats who joined Bush in bailing out the corporate interests, while millions of Americans lost their homes, jobs, and retirement savings.

Eight years of Obama, two with total democratic control, and all we have to show for it is this stupid tee shirt saying “Yes we can!”. Little did I know the back of the shirt says “I always draw the short straw no matter what major political party I support.” As I said, “this moment of truth was long in coming.” Now where from here?

The American electorate has woken up. In 2016, republican primary voters rejected establishment republicans and general election voters rejected the ultimate democratic establishment politician. Our national tragedy was not offering the American electorate a credible non-establishment option. Democratic Party shenanigans, exposed by WikiLeaks, the Russians, and others, prevented Senator Sanders from being the credible non-establishment option. Instead, we are now led by an owner of the establishment politicians the electorate had soundly rejected. Corporate interests are now the government. Hereafter, there will be no one else to blame for the accelerating siphoning of wealth from middle and working class Americans to the uber wealthy.

The only question remaining is whether the deeply disgruntled, ethnically, regionally, faithfully, and racially divided American electorate will see past the divide and conquer strategy of corporate interest and finally identify the cause of our American nightmare.

None of us prosper by our efforts alone. Money, no matter how much you accumulate, won’t support your life if our natural resources are depleted through waste and gluttony. The time to rethink the virtue of the invisible hand is now. Reconsider your defining values. And in doing so, take your first step toward the future.

Economics Social Evolution

The day after the financial crash…

We have been there before. October 30th, 1929…October 20th, 1987…September 30th, 2008. On these days we had as much food on the shelves of our stores as we did the day before. We had as many suitable homes capable of sheltering us from harsh weather. We still had jobs and meaningful work to do. What changed?

The financial markets were desperately short of money. The availability and quality of resources that made our lives worth living had been unaffected. But the severe shortage of cash led over time to the devastating waste of enormous resources, destroyed by neglect. Crops shriveled in the fields; the assembly line stopped producing products; homes were abandoned; jobs were lost; savings were lost; marriages were destroyed; broad access to higher education was eliminated; All because money was in too few hands. Consider for a moment that we destroyed billions of dollars worth of homes in America in the residential real estate collapse of 2007-2009…all due to abandonment caused by a shortage of money.

Money has become a surrogate for resources. If you have money, you can access resources. And if you lose your money, your access to resources are taken away. The thing is…money is not resources. Money is a totally arbitrary way to determine access to resources. Would any of us have the money and therefore the access to resources we have if we were born to the lowest caste in India? Or to a single impoverished mother in rural Appalachia? Yet we compound the randomness of birth with the use of money as a surrogate for resources to determine who is able to reach their full potential.

Given this reality, who amongst the fortunate can honestly claim they earned the privilege they enjoy at the expense of the less fortunate? In the parable of Lazarus and the rich man, we are all the rich man. According to the Worldwatch Institute, 12% of the world’s population living in North America and Western Europe accounts for 60% of private consumption spending, while the one-third living in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa accounts for only 3.2%. Our disproportionate consumption of global resources creates the conditions for mass deprivation of billions of people, few of which have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

The system of global economics that produce these inhumane conditions is not sustainable. We are experiencing resource depletion, destabilization of political institutions, a global refugee crisis involving mass migration to more fortunate countries, radicalized populations fueling global terrorism, and the exploding addictions to drugs and alcohol as more and more people self-medicate to cope with the inadequacy of available choices to improve their lives.

Our choice is clear: change to a full access, sustainable, resource management based, global economy, or degrade into a modern dystopia where fewer resources are available to sustain fewer people.


When money no longer exists…

What separates you and me from the Walton family, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and every extremely wealthy person on the planet? Cash…specifically, the huge accumulation of cash. And with their huge accumulation of cash comes influence and control over an extraordinary portion of our finite resources.

Now imagine an economy where money no longer exists. We no longer compete to accumulate cash in order to access the resources we need to sustain ourselves and our families. If we all have the same claim on our finite resources, we all have an interest to make sure our access provides for a high quality, mutually fulfilling, and sustainable living condition. Individual accumulation of resources is no longer necessary because everyone will have all the resources we can use to reach our full potential.

From our birth, we will have full access to the complete body of human knowledge. We will be free to pursue our educational passions and select our vocations based solely on our highest aspirations. Human innovation is unleashed to the maximum potential because it is informed by the accumulation of human knowledge and unhindered by limited access to our finite resources. Since our quality of life will be a function of our total contributions, all of us will be motivated to add new contributions to improve our living conditions. Imagine how productive we each could be if we all worked in the field of our highest, well informed aspirations? But what about the wide range of mundane vocations necessary for modern living? This is the appropriate application for automated technology. By maximizing the use of automated technology to fulfill the myriad of mundane functions, each of us are free to turn our focus on the areas of our maximum contribution.

The latest innovations are no longer exclusive to those few who can afford to pay for it. All goods and services are provided to the highest level of quality and efficiency in order to maximize our contribution to our mutual well-being and minimize waste.

A successful life will no longer be measured by who accumulates more resources to themselves, but by who contributes most to the quality of life of the global community.

Social Evolution

My North Rim experience…

I have dreamed about going to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon for years. I have been to the more frequented South Rim multiple times and had the pleasure of hiking to Havasupai Falls and camping for four days. Every time I travel to the Grand Canyon I am renewed by the natural, majestic beauty of our functioning ecology. Imagine the vivid night sky unimpeded by the light pollution of modern city life…darkness filled with bright, distant beacons, sparkling like diamonds. I longed for the renewal that has only come when I am immersed in the most natural settings. I have been here for one day. The North Rim’s beauty is beyond written description. Yet the renewal I hoped for will not come.

Why? The sky is blotted with a haze of chem trails. What would otherwise be a gorgeous clear to naturally cloudy sky has been reduced to a haze of industrial manipulation. As I look in the sky, a relentless series of planes fly above the Canyon leaving massive X’s across the sky. This expanding image reminds me of America’s successful moon landing where our astronauts left an American flag planted on the surface. Then…we claimed the moon. Today…”they” claim the sky.

Historically, we claim the Earth through the ownership of her land, water and natural resources. But who are we to claim any of it? What did we do to think we have the right to control nature’s resources for our own exclusive uses? Even here at the remote North Rim of the Grand Canyon, we dare to claim the sky and use it for whatever undisclosed purpose…robbing everyone else from enjoying the natural beauty of this otherwise pristine setting. Thankfully, this is the last throws of the old paradigm. Self-interest has run its course.

More and more people see the destructive effects of unbridled self-interest. We are hitting critical mass in social, political, economic and spiritual thought, where people acknowledge our interdependence on each other and the natural environment that provides for our survival. This new realization is elevating the shift toward common interest as a core consideration. Sustainability and efficient utilization of resources will be the new currency. Waste, gluttony, and degradation will be the primary forbidden vices. Compared to the old paradigm, critics will accuse us of seeking Utopia. We do not. We are evolving out of necessity. And like every species of life, we will adjust or manifest our own extinction.

Personal Growth

Scarcity in all things but one…

The one characteristic that defines our lives is scarcity. None of us have enough money, time, health, opportunity, satisfaction, fulfillment, etc. Yet of all these scarce resources, one we have in boundless abundance is LOVE.

I know none of us receive as much love as we want, but our capacity to give love is limitless. Have you ever considered that none of us receive all the love we want because none of us give all the love we can? Culturally speaking, we treat love like it is the rarest treasure. And as a result, we reserve it for only the most deserving people.

But what if we have real reasons to love more broadly? What if love in its purest form is simply the joy we feel from bringing happiness to others who make our lives worth living?

The culmination of human experience has provided the society, technology, culture, morays, virtues, and critical lessons that we benefit from every day. Our contemporaries provide every aspect of our lives we are incapable of providing for ourselves. Our very existence remains a function of choices people we will never know make each and every day. Yet somehow, we are able to go on each day as if we are primarily responsible for our own well-being.

The time is long past for us to realize a fellow human installed the brakes on our car, found the flaw in our aircraft, caught the assailant who meant us harm, paved the way for our success, introduced us to our spouses, yielded in rush hour traffic when we desperately had to get there, and found the way to serve our food despite the sick child they have at home.

Contrary to conventional wisdom, we are immersed in a world of many people fully deserving of our love.

All we need to do is stop thinking of ourselves and notice.

Personal Growth

The symbol of our oneness is in your hands

Take a look at your hands. Ten fingers attached to two palms…each with unique functions, capable of moving individually or in concert with each other. Think of each of us as the fingers and our Earth as the palms.

Now consider our independence…our individual liberty…our inalienable right to advance our own interests. How we express our liberty through individual choices shape the life we live, the careers we have, and the families we form. But are we actually independent?

Most of us don’t produce our food, or build our homes, or provide the protection that secures ourselves and our loved ones. All of us relied on others to provide the education and skill development necessary to succeed in the vocations of our choice. Still others provided the roads, highways, bridges, water systems, electric grid systems, and communications systems necessary to function in a modern society. In fact, as individuals we contribute very little to the components that provide for our living conditions. Yet we still reserve upon ourselves the right to advance our own self-interest, even to the detriment of the people and resources we rely on to live.

We have one planet that produces and replenishes a finite amount of resources. All of us rely on these resources to provide the living conditions we enjoy. Under our current economy, we access these finite resources based on the amount of money we possess. For those few people who possess enormous amounts of money, control over the lion’s share of our global resources are in their hands. They alone retain the right to exhaust these resources or utilize them in a sustainable way. We are experiencing their decision playing out in the Climate change debate.

The question for the rest of us is simple: If global temperatures rise as predicted, unabated by fossil fuel utilization, can life as we know it exist for long? Globally confirmed scientific observations say no. Yet the reason scientific evidence is not determining our only rational choice is because fortunes built on the use of fossil fuels are being deployed to raise doubt about climate change. This illuminates the danger of self-interest. Does it make sense to define individual liberty within the context of self-interest when our preservation relies on advancing our common interest? The answer is obvious when you look at your hands again. Can the fingers survive without the palms?


Knowing is not enough

Talk to the best and brightest people and ask “what are the keys to their success?” Invariably they say something most of us already know…hard work…diligent study…thinking outside the box…buying low and selling high…


We walk away assuming they are being coy with their treasured secrets to success. The thing is…they actually are telling the truth. But you say “if that’s all it takes to be successful, I would be very successful. I already know all those keys to success.” And now for our Yoda moment: It’s not what you know, instead it IS what you do that determines your success.

Consider investing. The first rule of investing is “buy low and sell high.” Yet, when scandal hits a company…the stock usually plummets. Why? Because an increasing number of investors are choosing to sell low. And when a company posts record profits…the stock price skyrockets. Why? Because an increasing number of investors are buying high. Now take Warren Buffett, America’s greatest investor. On Black Monday, October 19th, 1987, the stock market posted the deepest crash since the Stock Market crash of 1929. On this day, on paper, Warren Buffett lost over a billion dollars. And while the broad market was selling everything at increasingly lower prices, Warren Buffett bought the holdings that would drive his return on investment for the next decade and beyond. Everyone trading stock that day knew to buy low and sell high, but only a few actually did it. The key to Warren Buffett’s investment success is he lives the maxim, even when the rest of the market is running in the other direction.

The simple lesson here is to make sure the best we know is reflected in the most we do.

Now ask yourself…Do I do unto others as I would have them do to me? Do I live the values I hope to receive from others? Do I give first what I want to receive? Am I the change that I expect in others? Do I listen with the same desire as I want to be heard?

Now imagine what life would be like if we did.


What is this thing called truth?

Truth is a complex concept because it is not limited to objective facts. Truth has a subjective component that accommodates anomalies, diverse worldviews, issues of faith, psychology and much more.

In order to distinguish truth from myth, confirmation is necessary.

Accordingly, truth is a phenomena that informs us…adds to our body of knowledge…forms the foundation for usable concepts…has application to our lives…is verifiable or at least confirmed by actual experience.

Truth provides meaning to our experiences and deepens our understanding of our lives and the world around us.

The cautionary tale about truth is it is distinct from goodness, decency, or convenience. Truth can be cruel. Yet no matter how truth affects us, we are invariably made better by knowing the truth because we are closer to the reality defining our lives.

This is why we must seek truth. We need to be open to truth wherever it exists. It behooves us to set aside our differences in order to be receptive to truth.

As we consider our current political and social discourse, our greatest challenge to finding solutions is our unwillingness to be open to truth regardless of the source.

Thankfully, we are all truth seekers. Let that be your starting point to finding truth in your life.