Personal Growth


How did I get here? So far from my aspirations I can no longer remember what they were.

I’m a banker. I help business owners access the capital they need to develop and grow their businesses. I’m good at it. I actually enjoy adding value to my client’s business operations.

The thrill for me is no request is the same. Each borrower is unique. I immerse myself into their life’s story and out of my review emerges an indigenous strategy to improve their business.

So why am I unfulfilled?


I help people by providing the optimal amount of money to achieve their financial goals. And while this is the best I can do given our free market economy, I know the accumulation of money is the primary cause of the inhumanity that pervades modern life.

Despite the virtue of individual liberty, we are one humanity. We share one planet that produces a finite amount of resources at any given time. We ALL need money to access the resources that sustain us. As I help my clients accumulate money, I must acknowledge the unintended consequence: resource deprivation for so many other people.

I am lost. And I won’t be found until I reconcile my vocation with my highest aspirations.


They are our enemy

They who divides us.

They who benefit from our fighting.

They who win while the rest of us lose.

They who own our government.

They who control the resources that sustain us.

They are the cause of our dystopic nightmare.

Who are They? The nameless, faceless, thoughtless They?

They are the hoarders who derive their gluttonous wealth from the productivity of our labor.

They are the embodiment of the values we are taught to live by.

Yet, They are getting worried.

They realize we are awakening. Too many of us see past their grand illusion.

Try as They may, They can’t eliminate all of the Truth Sayers.

We are beginning to see who They are…where They are…and how They control us.

They have privilege, but the power is provided by our consent.

Now ask yourself: who stands in the way of your highest aspirations?

They who claim everything.

They are our enemy.

Philosophy Spirituality

We are all North Koreans these days…

…worshipping on the altar of our “Divine Leaders”. Who is your Kim Jong-un? Mine is Jesus Christ. Some submit to Adonai, Allah, Buddha, the natural Universe…still others to science, or a trusted source of information that defines our world view.

Regardless of the target of our devotion, we are called to give absolute fealty…to take as unimpeachable truth any perceived pronouncements from the altar…to form monolithic associations with other true believers (Us), and to offer scorn and contempt to any one who dares to hold different beliefs (Them).

Be rest assured, there are millions of fellow human beings in North Korea today who are certain of our damnation for not yielding to the commands of their “divine leader.” If any of us are completely honest, their certainty will feel very familiar. This is the heart of everything wrong with life today. For people like Us, “we hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal.”* And for people like Them, they deserve the inhumanity we provide because they don’t share our values.

Have you noticed there are less of Us these days, and far too many of Them? Truly faithful versus falsely faithful; Faithful versus non-faithful; Objective versus subjective; True Americans versus Fake Americans; Americans versus Foreigners; Conservatives versus Liberals; Democrats versus Republicans; Allies versus Axis of Evil; Fox news versus MSNBC; NY Times versus Infowars; GMO versus Organic; Renewable energy versus Oil/Coal; An Inconvenient Truth versus Global Warming Deniers…

Yet while we condemn Them, have we considered but for the randomness of birth, we would be them?

None of us choose our place of origin, but where we are born, the family that raises us, and the culture we are given, all frame our choice of values. Acknowledging how we became so certain of our beliefs should illuminate how they became certain of theirs.

The moment we can see our choices in their eyes, is the instant we connect to our mutual humanity.

Today, we are all North Koreans.

*Thomas Jefferson

Personal Growth

A Human life is a terrible thing to waste…

Beyond life’s few certainties, death and taxes, reside the space for spiritual and emotional growth that offers each of us the opportunity to find fulfillment.

At the moment of our conception, our nature is hard wired with a wide range of physical inclinations that manifest based on the nurture we receive. Optimally, we incubate for forty weeks where we transform into a life ready to function separate from our womb. Our development is a function of our mother’s physical and emotional well being…her access to proper shelter, healthy nutrition, exposure to toxins, physical & emotional stress, and prenatal care.  We reach the first stage of our full potential when we are born as a healthy, fully formed baby.

In our infancy, our genetic inclinations are cultivated based on an intricate, intimate web of emotional and physical relationships. Our developmental security is achieved through the formation of an external womb commonly known as family. Here we experience emotional clarity: we are fulfilled when our personal space is synonymous with our family; Otherwise, we are miserable.

During our toddler stage, we are introduced to societal norms…familial roles, culture, personal space, and morays. Here our family prepares us for a second birth…into the world beyond the family.  This second stage ends as we embark on our formal education.

Our educational stage, typically in the US from the age of 5 through 18 and beyond, provides the physical, emotional and spiritual foundation of our personal development. Here we get the first glimpse of who we are and how we connect to world around us. We are exposed to the lessons of history, and are provided our first opportunity to internalize those lessons for application in our daily lives. Our full potential is achieved at this third stage when we enter adulthood as a physically, emotionally, and spiritually healthy person, fully empowered to contribute to the broader society.

Our baseline expectations are set. The range of career opportunities are framed for primary selection. We are expected to make the choices that will shape the rest of our lives. The core question is how many of us are fully prepared when our critical choices must be made? What are the consequences if we are not ready?

This is where so many of us learn the cruel reality of modern life. Our baseline expectations of building a life that provides security for ourselves and our families are all too often exposed as a romantic notion called free market competition. Yet the competition is not free or fair.

We put our heads down and work like mules in the hopes of earning our way to our dream life. Five, ten years go by, we meet a person who brings us glimpes of happiness. We get married. Now our desire to find security becomes more urgent because it is not just us anymore. Dreams of a life of fulfillment fade into distant memories behind a busy array of tasks and responsibilities.

Why is modern life not more fulfilling today? We have simply exchanged spending most of our time producing what we need to survive, with spending most of our time earning the money to survive. Given all of the technological advances, and the abundance of natural resources, today we have the capability to provide all of humanity the resources each of us can use to reach our full potential.

So what stands in our way? A system of economics that encourages us to take unto ourselves as much as we can. A value structure that indoctrinates us into believing we are separate, independent, self interested individuals who can expect in life only what we earn.

Yet who amongst us earned the mother’s womb that gave us life? Or the years of nurturing provided by our families? Or the countless lessons provided by teachers, mentors, family and friends? In fact, who amongst us earned the love we receive?

We have known since Copernicus that we are not at the center of the universe. The lesson here is we are part of the universe. We are individual members of one humanity who share one planet. Each of us are vitally important because we possess enormous potential to contribute to our well being. In our modern society, we each rely on many individuals to produce the living conditions that sustain us.

How many young adults today are fully empowered to reach their full potential? How many are sufficiently informed to master their highest vocational aspirations? Almost none when compared to our global population.

Up to this moment, even in the richest country on Earth, almost all people live their entire lives working jobs they otherwise would not do but for the need to make money. For a while, desire for money generated higher productivity, but current data indicates this time has passed. Fulfillment is the ultimate inspiration for productivity. To do daily what you feel most passionate about is the fuel that is forever sustainable.

The next step of our social evolution is to align our values with the wisdom of our human experience. E pluribus Unum…out of many, one. Each of us, no matter where we live, is too valuable to waste. None of us, no matter our privilege, can survive without the rest of us. Therefore, we best advance our individual well being by empowering each of us to reach our full potential.