Personal Growth


How did I get here? So far from my aspirations I can no longer remember what they were.

I’m a banker. I help business owners access the capital they need to develop and grow their businesses. I’m good at it. I actually enjoy adding value to my client’s business operations.

The thrill for me is no request is the same. Each borrower is unique. I immerse myself into their life’s story and out of my review emerges an indigenous strategy to improve their business.

So why am I unfulfilled?


I help people by providing the optimal amount of money to achieve their financial goals. And while this is the best I can do given our free market economy, I know the accumulation of money is the primary cause of the inhumanity that pervades modern life.

Despite the virtue of individual liberty, we are one humanity. We share one planet that produces a finite amount of resources at any given time. We ALL need money to access the resources that sustain us. As I help my clients accumulate money, I must acknowledge the unintended consequence: resource deprivation for so many other people.

I am lost. And I won’t be found until I reconcile my vocation with my highest aspirations.

By AZStranger

Son, father, brother, husband and human.
Life learner...