Personal Growth

When time stops…

…my pace slows.

My breath deepens.

Awareness sharpens.

In this moment I learn so much more about who I am…where I am…why now matters.

For the first five decades of my life, I never experienced this depth of my reality. As if I spent my youth skimming the surface of life, I now am immersed in the richness of an increasingly vivid consciousness.

What am I learning?

The upper currents of life demand conformity, while the lower currents encourage free awareness, self actualization, and clarity. I surmise the upper currents are crowded because that’s where most of us live. Conformity becomes necessary for movement to be possible.

But as I slow to the deeper currents, I’m free. Free to breathe slowly and deeply. To notice the subtle and the vivid. And the deeper I travel in this very moment, the more connected I feel to humanity, nature, and eternity.

Still waters do run deep.

Find your stillness and you will discover your Nirvana.

By AZStranger

Son, father, brother, husband and human.
Life learner...