Personal Growth Social Evolution

The Tribe is Gathering

Like minded, peace loving, freedom seeking people are finding each other by filtering out the trolls, liars, manipulators, propagandists, narcissists, and hoarders from our physical and virtual networks.

The problem is the powers that be demand control of everyone and everything. Therefore, gathering in our own social networks is not enough. We must build a critical mass of people willing to stop feeding the beast who lives on the work we produce.

First step to building the critical mass is to reject the labels we have been given that encourages us to hate each other.

All identity based labels obscure our shared humanity.

Marketing labels, sports affiliations, business associations, community/state/national identification, political classifications, religious/gender/racial/pronoun & cultural identifiers all should be set aside so we can finally accept and mutually respect the sovereignty in each of us.

We set these labels aside not to deny our own personal preferences, but to create solidarity on the basis we each are empowered to make our own choices.

Rejecting our labels reveals who benefits from the divisiveness dominating our societies.

Like the sunrise after a very dark night, each of us will see how completely we have been distracted by manufactured consent.

Nothing in nature lives independently.

Freedom is a virtue because having it supports a life worth living.

As our tribe gathers, we reclaim our sovereignty by networking globally while living and buying as locally as possible.

By AZStranger

Son, father, brother, husband and human.
Life learner...