
There is enough for all of us

Free market Economics is considered the most efficient (fair) way to distribute scarce goods and services. But what if human innovation, technological development, and available natural resources have rendered scarcity unnecessary?

What if it is not necessary to compete to eat…to learn…to have shelter…to receive the care we need…to reach our full potential…to be contributing members of a global community? Would you still prefer to pursue your own happiness even at the expense of others?


Technological developments are rapidly eliminating the jobs many people rely on to support themselves and their families. Sadly, many people view this fact as the tragic cost of modernity. But what if automation and AI are paving the way for humanity to free ourselves from the need to have a job to support our well-being?

We would be free to cultivate and apply the boundless, creative capabilities of human ingenuity to the areas of science, mathematics, the arts, philosophy, and so much more. Free to invest in every person so each of us can reach our full potential in the areas of our vocational passion, unconstrained by financial discrimination.

This is not Utopian mythology.

This is reality once we each accept that scarcity of the goods and services that support our well-being is no longer necessary.

If there really is enough for all of us, we no longer need to take as much for ourselves as possible.

The fact is free market Economic principles of advancing our own self-interest encourages us to take all we can, which creates the scarcity causing global human suffering.

Be the change. Life can be a global feast. Have some and pass it on.

By AZStranger

Son, father, brother, husband and human.
Life learner...