
Aphorisms for the soul…

Freedom is a mirage that encourages us to act without consideration of the impact on others.

Earn is a euphemism for entitlement to resources regardless of need.

Self interest is a rationalization that accommodates casual cruelty.

American exceptionalism is hubris masking global exploitation.

They hate us because we gorge ourselves on their resources and expect them to like it.

The human body is not self sustaining because it produces few of the things it needs for survival.

Scarcity is a discretionary trait of an immature society.

Gluttony is claiming resources beyond your capacity to use.

Interdependence is life because it describes how we exist.

Independence is death because we can’t exist free from air, water, food, humanity, nature…

Automation and Artificial Intelligence are threats to our well being, only if earning money through a job is a prerequisite for acquiring the resources we need to survive.

By AZStranger

Son, father, brother, husband and human.
Life learner...